I am a jew and as a white i identify more as a white man than as a jew...

i am a jew and as a white i identify more as a white man than as a jew. race and biology are more important to me than religion or mythology. european history is my history, from the paleolithic until today.
i am
1. european = white
2. italian
3. jew
why shouldn't i be allowed to the ethnostate?

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you should be allowed at best to work in a camp

Jews aren't white. They're inbred mixed race mutts who can't adopt a white mindset. You're a great example: Religion and Race go hand in hand. You try to divide and conquer white identity by upholding biology while casting aside cultural memetics. You will never be white.


>race and biology are more important to me than religion or mythology
oh boi a bait

this and digits

Pick one. Only one. You're always a jew, rat

Just convert to Christianity

double 22's confirm

> Jews aren't white.
some jews are brown like arabs. some other jews are white as poles. some others are mutts.
i would slaughter 1000 brown israelis with my bare hands to save 1 non jewish white.

no you won't

i am an atheist.

>why shouldn't i be allowed to the ethnostate
because you already have one you greedy bustard and your people undermine us every fucking chance you have and we will do the same. you had your chance and blew it!
fuck off

Prove it.


See those?
You have your case made that you should stick with the Meds. The meds, unironically old time imperialism figured out issues about race/religion (such as right to worship in Rome etc before Christianity ruined it) that the ''civilized'' anglos and their subservient clown colonies are just now even approaching conceptually, in ways more primitive than even the old time barbarians.
As such, believe my word of advice that when the time comes, just stick with the Meds who understand and have the same cultural, and ideological values as you.
Euros will shit on you for being jewish/italian, jews will shit on you for being white/not religious.
Just stick with the Meds. Roma Aeterna. We figured this shit out millenia ago.

So you realize “gods chosen people” is an idiotic supremacist concept

We'll let you in. Just kill a few jews first to show your loyalty.

it's a game of identity. Ashkenazi jews have lived in Europe, and often times have emersed themselves in european culture for so long that it's actually a hard call to make sometimes but just because you strongly identify with your european heritage for example, doesn't mean your offspring will (especially if your wife will be jewish as jewish ethnic affiliation is passed on maternaly)

shut the fuck up sandnigger

> gods chosen people
this is mythology coming from the bronze age MENA and god knows from where else. back then my ancestors were working the fields in europe and worshipping zeus/the lares

You do you fellow Jew

yes that is exactly it, whether you like it or not people will make identity politics judgment call in the game about you. In his specific case, the best call for him is to ''play'' as Mediterranean. The people from that area know from thousands of years of clay conquests and cultural/religious changes that it goes deeper than skin/religion/nationality or even genetics when you're from that area.
Don't try to be white, you already said you don't want to be jewish. Then just be med. because that is what you are.

Non esistono ebrei italiani, kys Francesco Nosenberg

Personally as a Jew I lost my identity somewhat, I don't really feel Jewish and I don't feel European. Oh well

>I don't feel European
that might be cause you're literally on the arabian peninsula you fucking brown clown

Then get Baptized if it doesn't matter anyways.

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i mean it is fucking obvious that all white jews are descendants of converts from europe.
ashkenazi jews (me too as a kid) are memeing themselves into believing that jewishness is a biological thing, which is ridiculous. even is israel , the whitest jews (the russians) feel less jewish than the regular jews. the instinctively sense that something's off.

Christ cuck

You might be, but you will never be accepted into the mannerbund.

Then just be a fucking Med Romaboo you fucking retard. Don't you see what everybody else has been doing? Every group has been reverting to past ideologies, political and religious beliefs. EVERYONE. Why WOULDN'T YOU? Get with the program faggot.
The meds are the only one who will take you. I'm dead serious.

why should i larp as a christian? it's not like i chose not to believe in god.
but i still like christian and especially gothic art lile this

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