Why do leftists and boomers hate nuclear power so much?

I mean I know boomers hate change, but you'd think that leftists would be on board with nuclear power. But no, instead they ask for more solar panels and wind turbine bullshit.

Attached: Nuclear power.jpg (1280x720, 117.89K)

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muh chernobyl (there's even a netflix movie too)
muh fukushima

Yes I hear that one from boomers all the time. I tell them the same thing: Don't build shitty reactors, don't build reactors on tectonic plate boundaries.

Because it allows them to solve the problem without first stripping rights from everyone else

>muh fukushima
Not even 1 person died there because of nuclear

because they are all fucked in the head and should be publicly executed.
I'm honestly arriving at the point where I cannot suffer these creature's presence anymore, every fucking problem we are facing is artificially created by these subhumans.

Pro-nuclear = I want to reduce emissions and I actually understand how the world works
Anti-nuclear = I care about my ideology more than emissions

takes too long to come online

China is investing in LFTR which is promising

The Future is Niggers and Diversity so Nuclear Power has to be dismantled because otherwise we would see meltdowns every week.
Either that or they are turning them off in preparation for the pole shift and earth changing its rotation (after the pole shift the sun rises in the other direction and water will fuck up everything.)

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>Why are leftists against X
Because they were told to be, simple as. That's how they're able to flip flop their positions so often, because there is no moral standing behind their reasoning, only being good little doobies.

>fuckstupid diversity hire nigger/zoomer forgets to do something
>entire area is uninhabitable for the next 12000 years

is that what your favorite pundit told you

maybe it's because of all the radiation coming out the top? duh

>stripping rights
What do you mean?

Yes they're the kike's greatest pawns

because it works
in case you haven't caught on, leftists are trying to destroy civilization.

"I am going to kill sixty gorillion by doing health care and solar power." - Vladimir Lennon, founder of socialism

I mean, I don't think boomers have an ideology outside of consuming. I think they're just scared from the cold war.

They didn’t. This user is clearly delusional. Take him to the infirmary!

Nuclear energy will end oil, therefore ending your forever wars for Israel in the middle east.

Because climate change inspired energy policy is anti-white and designed to damage white economies impoverishing white people.

Anti nuclear power depends on scare stories and general fear and ignorance when you hear the word nuclear. Also nuclear waste is a meme.

That's water vapour. Nuclear power is basically a glorified kettle. Fuel rods boil water, create steam which drives a turbine.

>Niggers and untermensch running everything
Very true, wouldn't want Jamal and Jaxon at the helm of a nuclear power plant. Forget about a meltdown, they'd blow it up in one shot.

It proves that leftism is about malevolence and not stupidity since the point is Arrested Development of the country they hate

Attached: XiShill.jpg (250x250, 6.43K)

If only it happened.

Because nuclear power is not renewable. It produces highly radioactive toxic waste that can not be recycled or made inert on the spot. It must be stored (usually buried) in special containers for up to a million years before it naturally becomes inert. Over time, the containers will eventually break down, and the storage sites will become lost to time. If the waste is ever accidentially unearthed or it leaks into the surrounding environment, the consequences would be catastrophic. Nuclear power is still better than fossil fuels, but not nearly as good as 100% renewable energy like solar, wind, hydroelectric, and geothermal.

There are nuclear power plant that can run on nuclear waste.

Just bury it 10000 feet underground bro

They have both been propagandized by their TV on the subject. I'm all for a diverse selection of energy production mechanisms based on whatever is appropriate for the region. If coal is super available in WV then burn coal. If LA county has a mountain range down wind of it that holds in any exhaust until it forms smog clouds than use nuclear power and electric vehicles and stuff there. The LA county solution should not be forced upon WV who does not have the same situation as them.

>It produces highly radioactive toxic waste that can not be recycled
Actually it can. You stick it in a different type of reactor.

Just look at the Oklo natural reactor, is Gabon a wasteland ?


But not a nuclear one.

their minds are conquered
you already knew this

These types of reactors are still not common and the technology is not perfect. It's still better than burying the stuff though. I do hope that the technology for this is improved and their use becomes more widespread. We certainly have A LOT of "spent" nuclear fuel lying around to use with it.

Again, over a million years these waste sites will be forgotten and the containment will break down. You do NOT want this shit being dug up or leeching into the water table.

kek, the joke came to me but it's not relevant to the topic

They grew up with primitive reactors that had a few highly televised oopsies.
My dad also tells a story about almost getting hired at a plant but changing his mind after being invited to a company picnic next to the cooling towers. He said it was the quietest field ever. No birds, no bugs. Nothing.

>more solar panels and wind turbine

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>over a million years later
Not my problem

A little nukey never hurt anybody...

Typical boomer, Walter Cronkite covers Chernobyl and nuclear power is never given a chance.

>Again, over a million years these waste sites will be forgotten and the containment will break down. You do NOT want this shit being dug up or leeching into the water table.

The poles have never shifted that's just conspiracy theory. Nuclear is bad because even if safe from meltdown it not safe if blown up they are just terrorist targets in this hostile world maybe in 100 years when everyone is christian and we eradicate the evil humans

overkill to boil some fucking water

Because some white supremacist neo nazi like Kyle Rittenhouse would probably blow it up.

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This would have been before chernobyl in Washington state, but yeah.

Because you don’t need ze nuclear energy to live in ze pod and eat ze bugs.