Why does every social media platform have fact checkers now? The truth fears no investigation

Why does every social media platform have fact checkers now? The truth fears no investigation.

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Fact checking is the "investigation". If you're speaking the truth, what are you afraid of?


>they know it fosters distrust
>they fucking hate us

"fact checkers" are not checking for lies, they are filtering "racist facts" and "offensive facts'

post this on your censored media channel of choice, the AI should detect it as wrongthink

Attached: 1559947565514.jpg (501x509, 68.67K)

Two out of context images with no explanation or caption is not "wrongthink", it isn't "think" at all.

>top super scary fear mongering OMG CLIMATE CHANGE
>bottom one has higher numbers and is a normal weather report
not surprised the germ*n would not see it

all the big brains are on facebook

Any proof that this gets censored, or are you expecting us to believe your claim?

One thing to be afraid of is that the Annenberg group runs fact check dot org

Attached: unnamed.png (639x405, 138.58K)

Germans are most cattle like nation in the world
They even legit believe their politicians aren't corrupt
Its insane
No use to argue with them just smile and move along


Fact-checkers are opinion based sources and not factual in any way according to themselves in court.

But according to OP's logic, if you speak the truth, why fear investigation?

Hot opinion mister (male, XY), I trust my dog's more.

You can trust whom you want, but unless someone is spewing unsourced fabricated garbage, I don't see how a "fact-checker" makes them shake in their boots

No, OP said truth fears no investigation.
Fact checkers aren't investigating anything, they themselves say that they are just opinion based sources.
Fact checkers are just throwing their opinion at you and you have no way to voice any disagreement or investigate them.


> you have no way to voice any disagreement
You're voicing it right now, what you really want is the right to speak on any platform uninhibited and force everyone else to listen
It's freedom of speech, not freedom to make people listen to your uninformed drivel

fac checkers are spewing unsourced fabricated garbage - and they themselves said that in court.
They are opinions, nothing more.

And you can not disagree with them or voice your concern.

If some guy writes some shit on facebook, you can reply and write a comment pointing it out.
If a fact checker does it, there is no way.

yes it gets censored with the literal words "Two out of context images" on facebook.

and the kike kraut knows this.

Your opinion isn't an investigation.
In fact your opinion is less than worthless, you can't even be trusted to say what your gender is.

>You're voicing it right now
On a different platform - on one where there is no "fact checker" - because where they fact check, they ban every dissenting opinion.

Why do they fear differing oppinions so much?

But they literally are out of context! There's no source, no description, nothing to back it up, what value does such an image have except to mislead people?

> yOuR gEnDer
You guys really have one joke

>why fear investigation?
it's not an investigation. of all people the germans should understand this simple concept

What, your life?

>It's freedom of speech
how is it freedom of speech to not be allowed to voice a differeing oppinion?

Is facebook a platform or a publisher?

Fact checks are opinions and I'm tired of people pretending that they're not.

Quality response there mate

is facebook a platform or a publisher?

is facebook a platform or a publisher?

>fact checkers
We used to call them “spin doctors” in my day

Facebook is a privately owned platform

Thanks, glad to fact-check you sir.
Just cut another line in the barcode on your hairy masculine arm as payment.

Obviously the publishers are going to try it because it means more power for them. The real question is why the left openly supports corporations here.

Fuck off dum

>voice your opinion on Any Forums — if someone disagrees, he can reply
>voice your opinion in any comment section — if someone disagrees, he can reply
>some prostitute working as fact checker voices here opinion — you are not allowed to disagree and if you do, you get banned
what are they so scared about?
Truth does not fear investigation.

Attached: 1626388567180.jpg (550x706, 115.01K)

You can get banned for any reason, it's in the terms of service you agreed to when signing up, even if you didn't read them
Your flimsy argument really has no leg to stand on

corporatist deflection

So like a telephon company?
With all the legal protections that you get as a platform?

Then you have to adhere to free speech laws.
Pro tip: Your phone provider is not allowed to screen your calls and ban you if you say something he doesn't like.

They get legal protection, and in exchange they have to adhere to rules.

If they don't want to be a platform, but a publisher, they lose this legal protection and they are liable for everything that is published there and i can sue them, if a roastie on twitter writes some bullshit about me.

The truth was spreading too fast on social media so they needed propaganda checkers.

Private companies have no rights. Neither do governments. Only private individuals have rights.

read You said it is a platform. Like a phone provider. Overing a communication service.
If they are a publisher, they can ban me of course... but then they are also legally liable for everything that is published there.

Can you sue a phone company, because someone threatened you on the phone? No.
Can you sue the shit out of a newspaper publisher that lies about you? Fuck yes!

Choose, what do you want to be?

Fact checkers are horseshit "listen to me and only me" kike propaganda. Every person is their own fact checker and has been since the dawn of time.

>Fact check: false
>Your argument is wrong.
Alright move along the conversation has been answered and no one needs to talk about it cuz reasons

We live in the age in which falsehood is termed “truth” and truth persecuted as falsehood or mocked as insanity; in which the exponents of truth, the divinely inspired leaders are defeated, and their followers humbled and their memory slandered, while the masters of lies are hailed as “saviors”; the age in which every man and woman is in the wrong place, and the world dominated by inferior individuals, bastardized races and vicious doctrines, all part and parcel of an order of inherent ugliness far worse than complete anarchy.

This is the age in which our triumphant Democrats and our hopeful Communists boast of “slow but steady progress through science and education.” Thanks very much for such “progress”! The very sight of it is enough to confirm us in our belief in the immemorial cyclic theory of history, illustrated in the myths of all ancient, natural religions. It impresses upon us the fact that human history, far from being a steady ascension towards the better, is an increasingly hopeless process of bastardization, emasculation and demoralization of mankind; an inexorable “fall.” It rouses in us the yearning to see the end — the final crash that will push into oblivion both those worthless “isms” that are the product of the decay of thought and of character, and the no less worthless religions of equality which have slowly prepared the ground for them.

Never mind how bloody the final crash may be! Never mind what old treasures may perish for ever in the redeeming conflagration! The sooner it comes, the better.

>interjecting your opinion into a conversation that you aren't a part of is the same as an investigation
lol, you're retarded.

> but then they are also legally liable for everything that is published there

Section 230: No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider.

You lose, good day sir

That is literally what in investigation is. What investigation do you know of that is requested by the people being investigated? Idiot

All "Fact Checkers" are directly connected to Liberal / Progressive political parties and tech giant / Social Media companies
They work in lockstep in order to achieve their social and political agendas

There is a very good explanation why both social media and tech giants both employ an overwhelming majority of progressive and liberal minded people while attacking and discriminating against conservative minded people

>Why does every social media platform have fact checkers now?
All media is propaganda, i.e. an attempt to influence the public mind via social engineering. The speech on the internet being free and [largely] unregulated interferes with the efforts of the corporations and lobbying groups trying to create narrative agendas.The best way to maintain those agendas is by claiming to be the arbiter of what constitutes "fact" or "truth" itself.

Also, normal people hate reading, especially long primary sources, and having to form their own opinions. They much prefer easily accessible and digestible summaries that inform them of the [politically correct] consensus opinion they should adopt. Media companies realize this, and engineered it so that Politifact and Reuters summaries are first results when people google questions.

>an investigation is literally butting into someone else's conversation
wow... your retardation knows no bounds.

this image is fake

> progressive and liberal minded people
Sorry to bust your Any Forums echo chamber, but that just happens to be the majority of people. You're not as numerous as you think you are.

That Section 230 is under discussion if it even applies to them and the broad conses is that it does not, if they are a publisher.
230 implies that they are a platform.

Your phone provider is a private company. A communication platform.
They are not allowed to censor you.
And in return, you are not allowed to sue them, because someone else said something mean while using their platform.

Choose what you want to be.
You have the freedom to be a publisher and ban whatever you like... but then take the consequences and accept to get sued if you do stupid shit.

I'm fine with that, go ahead and sue Facebook
They're cancer and I hope they go down anyway
My issue was only with people whining about fact checkers