Sam Hyde and iDubbbz Documentary

Here's what happened:

>Idubbbz decides to do a documentary on a washed up guy who snubbed him to feel better, all while earning points for exposing the sad life of an alt right nazi
(mind you, this is the guy who uploaded himself saying "niggerfaggot" to youtube for years)

>Idubbbz comes out, ready to rake in the shots of Sam being pathetic
>Sam & co. absolutely skull-fuck him with the most obvious ironic bullshit on earth.
>Idubbbz was expecting someone so pathetic, so washed up, that his expectations were just high enough to fall for anything at all
>Sam plans to tell Idubbbz after they get some footage, during some 1 on 1 bro talk (obviously)
>Idubbbz is being way greedy with the shots, interviews his entire team individually for maximum exposure potential, criticizes (his perception of) Sam openly
>Interview with Sam, can't even see that Sam is being more serious than ever for him
>Idubbbz exposes his master plan, lays it on way too thick. There's no way he didn't think Sam was an absolute retard
>Sam and Idubbbz discuss his experience with Sam's crew, Sam tells him what he's done for Idubbbz's film
>Idubbbz display's his rock bottom expectations for Sam in full rat-bastard glory, Sam is gob-smacked

>Sam, seeing this and thinking it over that night and the next day, can't stand how much of a fucking faggot Idubbbz turned out to be, ignores his ass for the most part until he fucks off with a parting gift he could never show anyone (the poster)

And that's my interpretation of the events. Sam Clearly wanted to make a great show for the fans and dumped a FUCK ton of money for it all to happen, even wasted Nick's time for Idubbbz's ass. Felt Scorned as fuck that the nerd came out to do a hit-piece over a 7 year old DMCA request and a splash of hazing. Sam was, and is pissed that it turned out like that.

Remember when Sam sounded so confused when Ian asked him leading questions? He thought Ian was gonna be cool, then Ian stank it up.

Attached: Betrayal.jpg (1280x720, 144.32K)

Other urls found in this thread:

glow in the dark kikes pretending to slap fight...why should the White man lower himself to this?

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Sam fucks trannies and underage fans. There is plenty idubbbz could have had for a hitpiece. He didn't.

Sam is a neurotic faggot that thinks someone bringing up the first time you interacted with online is a jab.

Youll notice he wasn't right after the interview. Probably because he was terrified idubbbz could have brought up marky at any moment.


who gives a fuck??

Idubbz seemed like a huge weak faggot. Then i look him up on YouTube and he has 7M subscribers? Holy shit , does anyone have any taste anymore

>Nooooo you can't make me feel bad!
>Ignores all the niggers he made feel bad by calling them the n-word and being an overall racist
Why are all these people such self centered bitches unaware of the people who surrounds them?

Cool puppet show synopsis, retard. Here's the reality:

They both spent a week hanging out and shooting footage and added some fake "drama" to give the video some virality.

I am laughing at you for falling for a script writer's trick.


i dub is pussy. i like sam hyde now.

dude got the personality of a cardboard box.
can you believe he actually got this aired

Sam has always been a good egg. I enjoy his content for the most part.

He's got a bot/shill hit squad on pol that spams about him. I think it's meant to attack 'right wing' figures that aren't zionist owned.

Sam was right to release the footage. Especially since Idubbbs did nothing with his. Also when the interview happened you can see the moment Idubbbz realized he was outplayed by Sam.

aww sweet an e-celeb thread. I love /r/pol in 2022

Idubbbz has proven himself to a literal NPC and a faggot with a massive ego.
He called people niggerfaggots when he felt it was safe to do so and then when the entirety of big tech artificially tries to shift to internet into becoming even more plebbit tier, he then does a 180 and tries to take the moral high ground at people that stick to their guns.

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>no link

>That Wall of text
Are those two losers your only friends

Sam's bit with the crackhead girlfriend was hilarious

Was shocked to find out that idubbbz is 31. He acts like a socially awkward college freshman. Funniest part of the doc was the big reveal,
Sam says “do you seriously think I would date a girl with her hair shaved like that?”
Idubbbz replies “yes”
Sam says “you think I’m a fucking mental case?”
Idubbbz replies “yes!”
A few months after this was filmed idubbbz wife shaved her head. Shaved head plus her many tattoos makes her look quite similar to Dani HAHAHA

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Girl drama, now with Semitic facial features.

Sage with Reddit spacing.

Sage harder

Imagine marrying that, uck

One of the worst of these graphics trying to "cancel" Sam. Eve literally has nothing interesting about Sam, it's mostly about her former friends having drama because of petty interpersonal problems.

Why does it matter if Sam is scummy? Why does it matter if he has bizarre eccentric sexual tastes? None of this has anything to do with comedy and frankly none of it is even shocking coming from Sam.
