Innate Niggery

There's a nigger in everyone.

Piracy proved literally everyone will steal if there is no possibility of consequences. I remember my principal even telling me and a group of kids he used limewire.

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Is it really stealing if you're stealing back from the Jews?

>will put you in jail for stealing
>gives away all our tax money to Israel
Who's stealing?

Why would i pay for a game, if i can get it for free without doing anything. With no ramifications. I’m gonna do it, obv. Why pay $80, that’s a lot of money for a digital asset.

There is no limited supply of programmes, they are only 1 and 0, so I don't steal something whose supply is limited. It's only theft if the company has a financial loss from it, but piracy only means that I don't buy their product. I don't steal goods, because with software they are unlimited.

Torrents are not theft, they're the opposite - they're literally sharing. Like someone had to buy the original to share it, but where is the moral argument that a customer can't share his movie/music?

Dual cassette player proved it first.

Movies and TV shows are more truthful than the news.

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Being a law abiding citizen = Cuck

Information should be free. Games and software are just data, you aren't removing value when making a copy of it.

You might be removing potential value by not compensating the creator so they can further their work, but that's different than stealing an actual physical product

based and potatofaminepilled


streaming killed piracy outside inceldom

>noooooo not the heckin bottom line of the juderinoooos nooooooooo

Piracy is better than it's ever been. See: sonarr, radarr, jellyfin.

Its was a good op. It made me realize how much garbage they want you to pay for. Now i barely even care to pirate music/games/tv. Its all bluepill shit

Sure its like someone stole your car last night except that when you woke up this morning your car was still there.
Your car was never taken from you, you just don't like the idea of someone else being able to have a car.

lol no. Just that many people now on the internet can't into computers well enough to pirate shit.

i'm willing to admit piracy is wrong but it's not stealing. I am also ok with being wrong and pirating everything and these jews can go cry into their pillow sacks of money about it