Jews attack Ian Mccullum

Jews are attacking Ian Mccullum's book
they effectively "Shut it down"
they pulled his publishing, they pulled his pledged sources of funding
because they interviewed a guy that hates jews.

yup. nothing in the book is against kikes, they just talked to a guy and interviewed the guy and he just happened to hate jews.

Gun Jesus is about to get fucking crucifixed by the kikes because, they're kikes.
this clown world is fucking insane

Attached: Clown World descends on gunjesus.png (595x435, 273.6K)

Other urls found in this thread:

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kikes rule the world and get mad whenever someone doesn’t like them, nothing new.
Does he at least publish it as a pdf or whatever when it’s not gonna be for sale?

idk the vid came out last night,
I hope so
jews will probably shoah him completely if he does honestly.

good, fuck him.

Attached: ian forgotten weapons antifa cuck faggot commie.png (633x508, 122.69K)

someone said.
it was HIS OWN publishing company?


Normiefaggot btfo
>Multiple anti white statements
>Pro racemixing
>Pro BLM
>against "white supremacists" occupying the gun culture scene
>Now publishes a normies narrative on muh Russia bad , Ukraine good book

He is a massive cuck

Attached: forgotten weapons beaner.png (749x380, 29.23K)

Its all so tiresome. Sweet relent when will it come. I am drained demoralized and unworthy

Ian wouldnt say that lol.

he shoulda show the conflict from the right side, the Russian, not Jewkranian. dont know what book is about but pretty sure everyone who supports ukranian side deserves all the shit possible

Attached: 1605365225200.gif (328x328, 1.95M)

It’s objectively wrong, so called Russian side like to gloss over the genocide of ukrainians in the golodomor the colonialism of waves of Russians migrants in the now empty space of Easter ukraine and the massive multi secular pogroms and legal discrimination against ukrainian Jews before during the after the civil war with the excuse of anti Zionism.

Yeah he stood up for no one and then no one stood up for him.

what was the book about, and why did it get shoaed ?

>leftypol fags were angry about the fact that Ian and Headstamp Publishing were publishing a memoir by a guy who joined Azov. Much butthurt by said leftypol faggots in the comments.

the book was "The Foreigner Group - Our War is Ukraine 2014-2015"

Attached: lets see.png (855x687, 100.47K)

in the end, circlejerking over the galil did not save him

trannies imgur raid directed at Carolus Löfroos
this was from yesterday while they were throwing their dilators at him

>“A lot has been said and written about foreign volunteers in Ukraine over the years, most of it by political commentators who want to cast us in different lights to further their own agendas. I have no intention of doing that with this book. I was one of the few men of the Foreigner Group, serving with the Ukrainian National Guard. Let me, to the best of my abilities, tell you the real story of who we were and why we were there.” — Carolus Löfroos

this screenshot is 23 hours ago from right now.

Attached: reddit thread on ukraine board. nobody cares.png (867x805, 123.78K)

yea its giga cringe

If anyone wants to know how easy it is to get doxxed as a Swede. This is the result result on the guys name on duckduckgo with location set to Sweden. Full name, income, phone number, home address, etc. all accessible because this stuff is official documents that you can request from the government and build massive databases for public searchability.

Attached: file.png (852x368, 49K)

does it index pajeet names?

wtf i though Ian was cool, turns out he is a shabbos goy cringefag

good. every zog bot who served for the zog state ukraine deserves to be hanged by the balls

anyone get the "clarification" vid while the trannies were blastin him

Attached: Screenshot_109.png (435x102, 15.08K)

Get owned Ian. I hope this is the end of his "career."

I think it indexes everyone with a residence of some kind.

They gonna publish it for ebooks?

White genocide isn't real. Cancel culture is not real. Marxism isn't real. And now you have no life anymore HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

ethan ralph and ian mccucken all in one week burning up. Based.

Fuck your purity spiral.

Free market will fix it

wtf this is so small I can't read it on my phone
post bigger images you stupid leaf faggot