This is legendary Any Forums celebrity, boxxy. Why do women age like fucking milk?

This is legendary Any Forums celebrity, boxxy. Why do women age like fucking milk?

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>"fuck Trump"
She should be so lucky.

She kinda looked like a fat Mexican even back then too. Outside of the Boxxy video is what I'm saying. When she didn't have her makeup on.
I would say she still looks the same from back then.

her voice was cute once, then it just became irritating.

virtually every mexican woman.

She looks the same as always

now she's a cute tomboy!

She had a voice?

Thank God for shoe.

Eventually all the Boxxies end up just a Box

>Why do women age like fucking milk?
Not as bad as men.

They develop a need to look "adult" in their early twenties and they get what they wish for.

Roasty moment


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I honestly stopped paying attention after mechanical animals

Anons didn’t realize “boxxy” was a reference to the shape of her body cause it was dark

Looks like a demon. I thought she was a retard then and still do.

From scene girl to karen.

>american women
Becaues they eat plastic bags and suck nigger cocks, that's why.

Balkans law.

Fat bitch far past her prime seeks attention

bitches wish their pussy got grabbed


plastic bags?


he isnt wrong

zomg. get with the times, paps

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