Explain this Any Forums

>be pajeet
>most beta race in existence
>least intimidating race in existence
>small dick
>chad pajeets literally don't exist despite there being more than a billion indians in existence
>worst genes in existence for bodybuilding or lifting
>skin color of poop
>most disliked race by women, even worse than niggers
>your home country is known for open defecation and cow worship
>their women go crazy for bwc and would rather rope than date a man of their own race
>despite all of this still be the most economically successful race in america and incomemogg the fuck out of the finest white stock

How does this happen? I would kms if I were born Indian yet it looks like they don't care about society shitting on them constanly and somehow find the motivation to work hard and be extremely succsessful.
They are betas in the body but have a gigachad mind, how does this work?

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Just be the most superior race on the planet

foreigners who come here always get free anything and they get to play the diversity card whenever they see fit. If jews never existed none of those people would ever be allowed to own land or property in America because they were never allowed to before

Don't care at all, my race is finally number 2 at something

I've worked with Indians before. They have no life outside of work. They have a higher median income because they have more workers per household but working low salary jobs. They pool their money together.
They do it to give the illusion of wealth (to impress their relatives back home), but in reality they're working 10 hours a day, 6 days a week to keep up appearances.

Now let's see an income comparison between White Anglo-Indians vs Indians in India.

Snow Nigger jew descendents btfo

We give business loans to all immigrants. Also they bring over gold that has an amount of karots that you dont see in america. They use that to buy up literally every franchise in the us. I used to do inspections nationally. EVERY fast food place, hotel, convenience store is owned by pajeets and they run them into the ground. Its literally why every place these days gives you the shits

It's like Basques in the US that have an average household income of 96000 $.
Most of them have superior studies or are skilled at something that's useful in a work enviroment

Besides tranny whores of course.

Indians practice nepotism on a level that would make even a Jew blush.

But if I were a 5'5 pajeet that repulses 99.99% of women whom the average white 14 year old could beat the crap out of I would either kms or get neetbuxx and stay home all day. Society is against them yet they still work hard.

poojeets in the states all shack up in the same apartment and send the money home. All those contractors live together minimize rent and to save up as much as possible before moving back to india.

Fucking poltards are idiots when it comes to various 'infographics'.

Good morning, sirs!

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I get it but how do they find the motivation to work hard? Even if they get rich they will still be a 5'5 pajeet incel with the skin the color of poop

Because there used to be 0 Indians here, so the median income was $00.00
Now we bring pooshits here by the boatload with h1-b visas to work as programmers in tech companies
The only pajeets in the country live smack dab in the center of a major city and get drastically overpaid city + IT cost of living wages

See this

we american "natives" lack a real work ethic, compared to the top of the list, and since we are mixed, we are not fully functional
Nipon Forever!

People who are willing to move to another country have more ambition than the average Joe with a 9 to 5 job and group of friends at the bar. They will work more hours spend less money and demand more from their children.

There are at least a 100000 average Joes in India for every Indian that succeeds in the west.

They are the biggest ass-kissers

If they're anything like the Filipinos, the reason why their median household income is so high is because they have, like, 20 people per household. It would be a much different story if it was per person

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>mutt education
Anglo Indians are one of the poorest groups in India.

>Even if they get rich they will still be a 5'5 pajeet incel with the skin the color of poop
They're too stupid to care
They just want to wear Balenciaga shirts and send back 80% of their paycheck to their village and be revered as gods