Death of Innovation

Why are there no cool, innovative products being made anymore? It's the same with video games, graphics cards, phones. What's going on?

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Diversity hires

Well you see Timmy, once upon a time people were hired based on merit, then feminists, commies and black supremacist pressured the politicians to impliment "affirmative action", so now you have diversity hires doing absolutely fuck all.

Welcome to the brave new world

you're ageing and the gimmicks are running thin. that's all that happened.

How can people be so addicted to their smartphones? I really don´t get it. I am still fairly young myself and i never understood this hardcore obsession with posting 24/7 on your faggot social media account, telling the whole world which cock you just sucked and which type of fast food you just threw into your face. I actually ended conversations because people took out their phone, looking through their feed, while i was talking to them. One of my friends actually leaves his phone at home meeting up with his father having some beers. He says it´s disrespectful and i fully agree with him.

I don't own a phone. I threw it away after the first "phantom ping" where you feel it vibrate but there's no message. That was the point in time where I recognised that this "device" was trying to make a neurological connection with me.

Technocracy is a dead end and I'm not going down that cave with the others.

Normalfags NPC got into the academia and every aspect of R&D.
Meeting paper quotas and citations is more important than actual research and discovery. Science and tech has been going to snail pace so researchers and academics can still earn their paychecks.

I guess as a young person all you can do is learn to recognise the cues in people's faces. Look at their eyes. Some of them still have a light on inside.

>Science and tech has been going to snail pace
Umm actually it doesn't go at any pace because anything novel is not peer-reviewed and therefore not science.

>people under 70 are 90% mutt
>wtf where are the innovators

A combination of technological Brock walls and pozzed universities. The name of the game now is improving and optimizing what's already been invented.

Attached: pwl8ch7mbn461.jpg (750x678, 76.74K)

kek, this fundamentally why I don't think fusion will happen, not because it's impossible ITER should demonstrate that, it's because the people involved are pozzed beyond repair.

death of innovation started when society collectively decided to reward people based on gender and colors instead of merit.

Attached: The_Invisible_Man.jpg (300x300, 11.21K)

Yeah they do but most of them are dead. It´s really crazy to me how so many of these people my age are not interesting at all. Maybe it´s just me and i am actually the retarded one but they seem to not have passion or anything. They are so easily exchangeable. They repeat all the catchphrases and buzzwords form their favorite youtubers or other people. They are not open minded at all. Ask them what´s their favorite in xy topic and the common answer is "I pretty much like everything". It´s completely nervwrecking. I have no idea what they did to them.

And on top of all this they really think they are unique and special when they dress the same, talk the same and have exactly the same interests as the next person their age. They have the same humor and enjoy only the exact same entertainment.

It's because current technology is sufficient to entrap, enslave, and brainwash most people. It simply doesn't need to be any more advanced. Humans only have so much attention span. Limbic hijack only works until you're thoroughly exhausted and coomed out.

There is still technological advancement going on behind the scenes, but much of it is state-run, and classified-- because of the covid cold war.

Sounds like Dr Sebi recipes

Yeah that's a real head scratcher.

That they even printed "SPHOON" and "PHORK" on each utensil is the real depressing part.

Mostly brown humanoids, also people like OP who would rather bitch and moan rather than innovate.

Zoom out user. Technological advancement is happening at warp speed.

This. The transhuman society envisioned by GITS is already here, just much more concentrated in way fewer pockets of the world.