Is this true @joerogan

is this true @joerogan

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literally dont care about spook kike ecelebs.

yes it is true


Are rogan and peterson freinds now or something?

holy fuck rogan is gonna be rich

Why are you tweeting at joe rogan on Any Forums?

Damn Jordan is actually a pretty cool guy think of all the bros he has in the world now.

Reply or mom die

>thousands of episodes talking about random shit, drug use, sex, mma fighting, and bunch of other shit
>gets cancelled for talking about covid
can they make it anymore blatant for fuck sake. its just like nkvd shit. you are free to talk about whatever you want unless it hurts the Party. If you are not 100% obeying the Party, you will be destroyed... even if you obey 99% of the ideology.

rogan here. it's true tim & peter.

>> 3 5 9 7 7 3 8 3 1
in her sleep or just generally?
clarification required

Joe Rogan was already mega rich, but he still decided to go with Spotify's deal. Now they own him.

tim pool is a confirmed fed

yes, cnn confirmed it

On facebook Joe Rogan did a video apologizing for the episodes where he says the word nigger. Those are probably the episodes Spotify deleted.
Owen Benjamin was right. Last year Owen said Spotify would eventually force Joe Rogan to submit and apologize for saying nigger

Where’s the proof those were on Spotify in the first place

He didnt say it 71 times lmao

Does spotify being from Sweden matter?

Rogan made the man famous, that junkie owes Rogan his life

They're not even cancelling those, the Malone one is still up. They're going through old ones where Joe said the N word or something similar I think

71 shows talking about DMT.

71 shows talking about ur moms ass

Were the covid shows removed?

They'll also be using every rap song and other podcast that uses the word nigger, too, right?