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How come this is acceptable but Joe Rogan isn't?

Cool, now that this is out of the way can we please start discussing the jew problem?

God this race war is going to be glorious. Jews are going to flip

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That’s when they’ll be white again no doubt

More garbage media race baiting

I love this. They don't seem to understand that group whites together and collectively pissing them off and calling them evil regardless of their beliefs is only going to unite "white" people and deeply instill an unholy rage in them. The backlash will be history altering.

oh another show made for niggers that bullies white americans in other news water is wet

According to the Holy Book that Christians and Jews believe in... 2/3rds of em die.

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Why do you put quotation marks on White as White is a race retard.

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when is it going to happen?

And muttoids won't do anything about it as always.

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> I think what annoys me most about white people is when they pretend that they are the victim.
Proceeds to play the victim. Was she trying to signal something by being so obvious.

HAH! Look at niggers whining and bitching. Muh reparations! Gibsmedat!
Lol, your gonna burn niggers.
You should most definitely fear what is coming. There's not gonna be any Law left to save you.

>That’s when they’ll be white again no doubt

>yfw the YouTube comments section is starting to resemble a Any Forums thread

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We don't have to shoot you when you shoot yourself.

>Dassabesso! Jussachillin ennafuckin.

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>pic related
It's a contraction of "people of a certain color" which is a polite Dixie way of not having to say the word nigger every time you discuss farming equipment

still not going to give your stupid channel views

Why don't they just go back? Show whitey!

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They think I'm offended. When in reality I never once asked for their approval or permission for anything. I love this. Nothing raises white racial consciousness quite like blatant anti-white propaganda. Not only do I hope they keep it up, I hope they crank it up. I won't try to stop them and neither should you.