
I like videogames. Drop your favorite games below.

Attached: Screenshot_2020-09-10_16-25-36.png (1600x900, 180.99K)

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>I like videogames. Drop your favorite games below.

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Is that a game, or are you calling me Moloch?

user, there are trannies in your walls. Rip them open to find them.

There is nothing in this world that beats pic related

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Some alpha shit.

Very hard to pick but when it comes to games I like racing and this one in particular was one of my favourites

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Halo: Combat Evolved is the game ever made

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Very kino. Makes me want to play again. Thanks user.

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Kontor 2 >> kotor 1

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No problem mate

Let’s see your typing skills.

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Played this game last year to pass the time since everything was closed. It's too goddamn short for how good it is.

Actually, funnily enough, just bought a copy. I've played it before, but I think I was too young to appreciate how good it is. Gonna give it a go tonight.

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Crusader kings 2, Factorio, Path of Exile

which game is that

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Redpill : the game

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Barony. You should pick it up, great game.

I don't have the energy to play games anymore, but when I do I play this.

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>parasite eve
>ghost trick
>silent hill series
>pokemon gold
>killer 7

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based and checked
>will never have the comfy tf2 2009 experience ever again ;_;

POKEMON GOLD. Brings a tear to my eye. All those hours as a kid, playing the remake on road trips to Crescent City. Hits me deep, like the smell of mama's apple pie.

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The best zombie game ever made.

Attached: Dying_Light_cover.jpg (650x804, 349.76K)

Played the fuck out of this. Hopefully the sequel isn't cucked.

I can't play video games anymore. (((They))) destroyed it, and inadvertently set me free.

quakeworld. people still play qwtf believe it or not