Money bomb antfa

So you can just buy 10-15 thousand bills of fake prop money on amazon for about $40-50, next time they protest on a overpass why not throw a bag of it off during rush hour and get them blamed for what happens next?

Attached: 81hVhx2h5IL._AC_SL1500_.jpg (1500x1337, 330.85K)

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This would work well with niggers

Would probably work on anyone, chuck it out when a line of them are facing down cops and watch the cops start clubbing them and crawling around trying to get it themselves.

You will be charged with endangering lives
You will be charged with littering
You will be charged with hate crimes

Idk I think you get a few 100 years sentence for each life you endanger in USA. Good luck with this retarded idea

Why not just run them over

just dress up in black bloc like them and have a buddy in a getaway car move to you on call
get a good distance from the antifa goobers before dumping the fake money, then sprint to where your buddy is
drive like three blocks away then put your license plate back on and avoid any ALPRs in town
simple as

None of those would happen, the worst would be distributing counterfeit money but as long as it’s labeled as prop money you’d be in the clear.

US dollar is fake prop money

Would be beyond amazing

Genius. If only I lived near one of the shit holes to do this.

i always wondered why nobody did this during the BLM faggotry last year

Just leave a few bags lying around with a note explaining that it is fake as well as the plan and someone will do it for you. There is almost no traffic or crowd situation where it wouldn't work, most of it is well made enough that in low light it would be impossible to tell it was fake.

Not just passersby's and protesters but the cops themselves would go crazy.

Rule #1: I'm number 1


#3 that money is labeled counterfeit on each side

great idea user
make sure you cross state lines before you do it too

i’ll be wearing a mask, with my cell phone at home on a arduino robot i made that swipes tinder all night to simulate me being home

Pretty sure the FBI doesn't investigate littering user, just in case you hold the camera and shout 'WORLD STAR BITCHES!"

Drop it with a drone...

Attached: worldstar.gif (500x210, 985.85K)

niggers wouldn't know what counterfeit could mean if they could read at all

Some of it is in really fine print, like a 1 inch red mark that says 'copy' and nothing else. People use it all the time to rip off junkies giving them their change, this is the stuff Fentanyl Floyd was trying to pass.

Wow that gorilla nigger really was dumb as fuck.

It's possible he didn't even know it was fake, his dealer may have ripped him off or he may have found it on the street. They feel real and if you are illiterate how can you tell? For that matter do you ever examine your change to see if there is fine print that says 'fake money' on itt?

It wouldn't work on me.
I operate on pure hatred, shekels mean nothing to me