How do you organize online?

I started using twitter on my neglected 10 year old account recently and decided hey, maybe I should post instead of just lurk. But I have no idea how to organically grow my account.
Do I literally have to make an apu pfp and just follow frens and hope they follow me back? How do I connect with you idiots.

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Faceberg phyops is the fastest way, see ottawa

Facebook doesn’t allow anonymity. Let’s talk about Twitter.

Looks the same to me

It's the same picture

Reach out to boomers. Go to a pace like and post your twat with zero followers. If it's good and not just obvious bullshit, people WILL start to pay attention to you. Rinse and repeat. You'll know you've made it when you don't have to self promote your stupid tweets because grandmothers are already doing it.

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Looks exactly like this hawk from a few yrs back

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Oh I thought it was a before after

>Ok so this race of beings in my fantasy world are short, ugly, control the monetary system of the entire wizarding world by renting monetary tokens to the human wizards, and are willing to betray anyone that is not of their own race, even those that are actively trying to help them if it means any amount of profit.
>This is just like me! Shut it down!

I mean good idea but I’d fit in better with the esoteric schizo dissident RW crowd rather than MAGA boomers. Not trying to blow up and grift just wanna shitpost and make friends you know?

use GAB and join groups

Isn't BLM now short 50 million dollars too? Funny how niggers got Jewed onto boats and now out of their reparashunz.

There is no activism for you then. The internet is dead. All you can do is post on Any Forums.

Yep $60mil at last count

What about Watto?

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Watto the Jew
You won't find a more jewy character in all of hollywood

Interesting idea. I’ve never used gab. If you have any tips or specific groups I should join I’m listening.

>what you'll look like in 40yrs


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That was nice of her

I don't want to rain on your parade, but my experience is that I didn't make frens and if you actually shitpost, you'll get banned quick. I got followers, retweets, and whatnot but it ain't like here. You have to only tweet the most milquetoast shit to not get banned. I got retweeted by a celebrity and that got me a lot of likes/retweets/follows but it's all pointless if you can't really say what you want. It's like being a dog chained to a post, and all day rabbits go running by. My advice: make a sockpuppet account and shitpost with that. That's fun. Then you get banned and make another. You'll get accused of being a bot a lot, but if you build your profile right, it doesn't matter. I built a pro-BLM nigger profile and you have no idea how many times I got to say "nigger" or "nigga" before they finally hit me with the banhammer. The trick is to follow a bunch of faggots, like Obama, Biden, Buttgieg, and the like. Your feed will be cancer, but you just go into any thread and say nigger like they're on sale.

tl;dr Have fun, bro. I don't think you're gonna make frens, but if you make a sockpuppet you can shitpost and normies are forced to watch.

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fucken hell mate, how can she look into a fucking mirror and stare at that fucking goblin reflection??? how the fuck does one live like that? how do they cope?

Lmao I love this place. How do you even get to the point where a celebrity can even see your posts? Since I started using my account again after 10 years, I’ve gotten one genuine RW follower in the last four days lmao. Like how did you even network to begin with when no one sees your posts?
Do you still use Twitter on a new account?

If anyone cares, you can connect with me @brodakii and I’ll follow you back. They don’t want us to organize. They want us isolated and demoralized.