Remember when oil prices went below $0 at the start of COVID in March 2020?

I threw my entire $17k bonus into a bunch of different oil and gas companies around then as they all tanked hard. I remember all the greeny envirotards saying this was the end of oil. Lmao. Easiest money I've ever made, and it was a 100% sure thing unlike gay crypto. That $17k is now $77k.

You did capitalize on the most predictable market comeback of all time right? You didn't really believe the environmentalists that oil and gas, a notorious boom and bust commodity, was just forever done, right?

Attached: oilywoily.jpg (923x659, 51.92K)

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How much did you make user?

sir Any Forums is the other way

>That $17k is now $77k.
Our schools aren't great but looks like he made about $700k

SORRY was looking at the wrong column in my app, my gains were $77k, the shares I bought are work $94k right now. 458% up.

Dude you're dumb.
>That $17k is now $77
he lost it all basically

he made 60 bucks retard

sell them and buy ammo. Trust me.

help fund the truckers you jewish leaf faggot

and you could of invested that in any altcoin at the time and gotten 100x lmao

Imagine wasting your money on oil stocks when roblox is now publicly traded

Well done.
It's just money ofc.
Numbers on a spreadsheet in some bank's underwear drawers.
Have you done anything with it?

Not just ammo, put part of it in pm’s.

lmao stocks, too cute canada user. Good for you fren.

nice work fren!

i got liquidated on futures when i went all in at $0.01. Then the futures contracts went NEGATIVE. I couldn't even input a negative value in the price field to buy or sell. my money was locked and liq'd.

what a fuckin scam.

It’s the opposite of a scam. That was an actual efficient market finding a clearing price. If you want to try again look at futures options farther out the curve. Grab some 2026 100 strike if you dare.

I did make altcoin investments but this was the most 100% sure money I've ever seen. Altcoins are risky. Oil rebounding from literally negative pricing is not a risky assumption.

yeah totally legit. heres your negative value for a few hours goy.

buy the bottom at a penny? nope NEGATIVE numbers WHICH ARE NOT ACCEPTED IN THE PRICE FIELD...

you fucking moron.

based, hopefully you didn't buy futures

Attached: ikghc162wfy71.jpg (720x900, 103.5K)

It’s a fucking futures contract. Someone at some point is gonna have to take delivery and so if they’re all left holding bags and they don’t happen to own an oil barge what the fuck else are they gonna do?

You don’t understand what futures are. Oil futures are physically settled at the core. Everyone short either must deliver physical oil or buy a long position to cancel their short before the settlement date. Everyone long must either deliver physical oil or buy a short position to cancel. Demand got kneecapped by covid and so suddenly everyone who would have been able to accept physical delivery had zero storage space. They have to pay someone too take it off their hands. You got burned because you don’t understand futures.

are you so retarded you are unable to grasp the concept.

YOU PHYSICALLY COULD NOT TRADE AS A NEGATIVE NUMBER WAS NOT ACCEPTED IN THE PRICE FEILD. the liquidation engine somewhere was coded faulty and dragged the whole market with it.


I didn’t have money back then nor did I watch the stock or futures market that particular week. I made my first 50k later in 2020 with two unemployment claims. I know people that did 5-20 claims.

>negative number was not accepted in price field
>it was trading negative
Your fault for using a shitty broker then?

can u not post this?

I wasted $10k gambling and making stupid call/put plays in 2020 and I could have done same as you and be sitting at a comfy fucking profile too.. but NOOOO I had to be sMaRt and play the market with my zero experience


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