
>Right because Germany won WW2

The Anglosphere had pro-white laws until the 1960s-1980s depending on the specific nation. The Third Reich's existence resulted in tens of millions of "Aryan" deaths for no discernible purpose. Satan was piloting that horrible nation which ended up sending German children to their deaths against American and British tanks. If you were actually pro-Aryan, you wouldn't in favour of the worst period in German history.

>By upholding God's greatest creation, the Aryan, I am upholding his work. To narrow God into the view of a Hebrew religious sect is more insulting than the preservation and advancement of my race.

You're upholding the decline and degeneracy of your family and people by dismissing and abandoning God. Overall, racial idolatry (like all idolatry) is a death cult.

Attached: racial_idolatry.jpg (992x1423, 554.28K)

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>The Third Reich's existence resulted in tens of millions of "Aryan" deaths for no discernible purpose.
Hitler sent Churchill multiple peace offers, including the restoration of an independent Poland. Hitler even sent his close friend Hess to negotiate but Britain backstabbed him and thew Hess in prison for life for no apparent reason.

By your logic, Britain shouldn't exist and you shouldn't uphold the horrible ideology of democracy (plutocratic oligarchy).

There was absolutely no reason for Hitler to invade Austria, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and France in the first place. Imagine if I broke every bone in your body then extended my hand and said, "We cool?"

Also, in before somebody mentions communism. Hitler was de facto allied with Stalin when he invaded those countries. Meanwhile, Stalin invaded Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania and Finland.

>There was absolutely no reason for Hitler to invade Austria
It was a peaceful annexation, which involved a referendum
>, Czechoslovakia,
Country collapsed due to Slovak separatists and Hacha went to Hitler for protection and the country became a protectorate
Poland illegally occupied Danzig and closed its borders with Germany. They did this because Danzig voted to join Germany. See a pattern?
>Denmark, Norway
Done in response to intel that the British were planning on allying/occupying Norway, which would have been strategically disadvantageous for the Germans. Hitler made no territorial or punitive demands of them and even let them keep their original governments without interference (but the cowardly Norwegian government fled anyways, though the Danish one did not)
>the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg
Once again, this is a matter of strategy. In WW1 many countries claimed neutrality then violated their own neutrality when it was convenient to backstab Germany (Greece did this, Romania, Italy). So there is nothing guaranteeing a neutral country will stay neutral.
> and France in the first place.
France declared war on Germany, doofus.
>Imagine if I broke every bone in your body then extended my hand and said, "We cool?"
When will UK make amends for invading neutral Iran, Iceland and bombing neutral Switzerland? That's what happens in a global war, you pick a side or you're forced to join one.

Also Britain violated French neutrality after they surrendered.

Thanks for taking this kike to school. I screenshot your post for future kike face palmings.

Germany invaded Austria with a military and there was no referendum. (Unless you're thinking of the one done after annexation which would be insane because you'd have to take Nazi propaganda at face value.) This was after years of ongoing internal strife that killed hundreds/thousands of Austrians.

As you pointed out, Germany had little to no legitimate reasons to invade any of those countries. Naked acts of aggression and done whilst de facto allied with the USSR. (And passively helping the USSR invade six nations itself.) To compare to Britain who was waging a desperate war against Germany at the time of its decision to violate other nation's neutrality. The violation of France's so-called neutrality doesn't count because its "surrender" wasn't unanimous and the occupied regime had no legitimacy.

How am I a Jew? Because I'm against the fact that the Nazis sent German children to their deaths in a hopeless battle against America and Britain in 1945? You realise you're passionately defending an evil regime that slaughtered Germans, right? Millions of them, in fact. I know it's hard but you need to stop sucking Satan's cock and Hitler's cock. You don't owe them anything.

Also, you're defending a regime that was allied with Judeo-Bolsheviks while it was invading and killing the rest of Europe.

>Satan was piloting that horrible nation
you mean he was piloting the anglo establishment and their commie jews in Russia, do you have no clear understanding of what they were doing to Germany and why Germans wanted Hitler and wanted to be saved from communist anarchists antifa which is a german jewish movement that was aided and funded by zionists?
if they couldn't get the germans to give it away to them then they would destroy them and then take it all
the anglo judeo zionists went about their business using every tool in their shed as they did in the first world war and the american civil war
any attempt to break away from the taxing empire was met with war

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Hitler was literally allied with Stalin while they both invaded the rest of Europe. Hitler also tried to ally with Chamberlain before the war and with Churchill after it started. Please take your medication.

you know the movie blue velvet right?

an d you should get the motives of US and Russia
it's all about controlling labor
using communism upon the masses reduces them to poverty
then they have to toil and slave away for the elite
all labor is taxed
the reason illegal labor is done by illegal immigrants is cause its against the law
the laws are setup to tax you
for everything you do
people that were not taxed but had jobs are called slaves
people that have jobs but are taxed are called free labor
think about it for a second
illegal laborers were called scabs if they broke up unions
who benefits from high taxes and unions running things? govt
the system still needs labor and is willing to use illegals so long as it disempowers you from doing the same
try to work as an "illegal" try not to pay taxes see how the govt starts treating you then

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>If you fight for your race, you lose.
>turn the other cheek and let immigrants rape your children, and then forgive them, goy

>Hitler also tried to ally with Chamberlain before the war and with Churchill after it started.
why do you think they never wanted his help
why do you think Stalin wanted to string him along?
hello anglo empire....your faggoty accent is calling you
yes you
what will happen if the Germans keep fucking like they are in Pennsylvania and in Germany??? They will overtake US!!!!
We have to stop them!!!

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another thing that is fucked up about what you are saying...they fought with children

no the war came to them
they fought it on their homeland
it was brought to them
by brits and german americans
controlled by jews
and russians getting exactly what they wanted more territories thanks to mentally ill leaders in the west
the world will look back and say why did anyone trust churchill or fdr they were satans little helpers

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I get it, you're an atheist.

But why did Hitler try to ally with them in the first place if they were controlled by Jews? Also, why did Hitler ally with Judeo-Bolsheviks against the rest of Europe for two years? These are rhetorical questions, obviously. The real reason is that Hitler was an anti-European German imperialist/supremacist who had no issue enslaving/slaughtering the rest of Europe for the sake of German imperialism/supremacy. It had nothing to do with ideology or Jews. Nazis like yourself are the mirror image of western communists who make excuses for the USSR/PRC and repeat their propaganda uncritically.

There's never any excuse to use children as soldiers and those that do betray their loyalty to Satan.

anglos invade half the world then be like
>how dare you invade poland?! no not you russia, just germany
not to mention this absurd muh whites as if anyone in germany gives a fuck about le aryan white mutts in 1940.

it's very sad any genuine angloid believes this nonsense as a cope for being a jew puppet

>"Waaaah, England and France have more territory than we do!"
That's also the justification Italy and Japan gave. What is it with the Axis powers and small dick energy?

you resort to ad hom because you have no counter argument. anglos gave up their empire because of their (accurate) fear of germany succeeding them. if they werent jew puppets they still could've been a world power though but guess that's "big dick" energy eh? lmao

Soviet Scorched-Earth Warfare: Facts And Consequences

Stalin's War Against His Own Troops
The Tragic Fate of Soviet Prisoners of War in German Captivity

Why Germany Attacked the Soviet Union


Germany's economic preparations for waramazon.com/dp/B0007HPZT2/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_J6BKN565QWTJT2YMPEGD

Germany's Economic Preparations for Waramazon.com/dp/B0000CKCRT/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_ZSPJYTWTV3Q7525A0RR3


Major Jordan's Diaryamazon.com/dp/1717397808/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_FHVFD47SGVHNG7HJ2N4E

From Major's Jordan's Diariesamazon.com/dp/B003IYNRH8/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_61SKDDWC5YNPVS7TF2A2

From Major Jordan's Diaries ~ The inside story of Soviet lend-lease -- from Washington to Great Falls to Moscowamazon.com/dp/B0007FDREY/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_B5V3FXCQAEB4HQXBJH39


Friedrich Stieve

Der Untermensch / The Underman in English and German by Jupp Daehler



christianity in the US is funded by tax dollars and christian churches wouldnt be able to grovel to niggers and kikes if they werent being reimbursed for emptying pews with unemployment gibs

fucking jews around churchill and fdr forced it. adolf was peaceful