Anyone want to explain this cube like structure near the sun after a solar flare that just happened?

Anyone want to explain this cube like structure near the sun after a solar flare that just happened?

Attached: jOE0uPPzUZ.png (1248x828, 830.62K)

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joe biden


Probably some glitch like all the other pixelated shit around it.

>herp derp state of the art technology just glitches ignore these anomalies goyim
>(It's a schizo thread)

just a sun cube, very common and normal in space. nothing to see just trust the science.

I am more worried about the huge white circle

take your meds schizo its just a fucking graphical error due to shitty Nasa tech.

Attached: takemeds.jpg (315x236, 6.66K)


Attached: 74A85FFF-08E6-48E1-B603-784DB815D14B.jpg (225x225, 11.31K)

Kill yourself faggot, its more than a graphical error. Go take your booster shot.

Attached: Org3RtYeMB.png (1412x702, 430.43K)

Just a weather balloon goy


Attached: 1527185145370.png (396x385, 118.86K)

Attached: MV5BNWFmNDJhNTMtNmIzNy00MmI4LThlMDktOTdiM2ExMjI2MWE1XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNTIzOTk5ODM@._V1_[1].jpg (800x1132, 271.92K)

Do you have a timestamp for the image? There are 3 other satellites monitoring the sun 24/7 you can cross-reference. Also satellites glitch out all the time and this one is over a decade old.

just venus swamp gas reflection, nothing to see here

Aldebaran. They're going to invade and get rid of most Earth govts when the big coronal mass ejection happens, which should be in a few years roughly.
There's some sort of connection to electromagnetic filaments from star systems which I think they use for interstellar travel.
They've been amassing forces in our solar system since 2018 roughly when that observatory was shutdown by the fbi and they leaked their control file on the whistleblower there accusing him of being a pedo.

Attached: themeds.png (826x827, 1.74M)

space rubix

what is it really?
i enhanced the image for you
dont thank me

Attached: Opera (152x147, 31.33K)

How many frames was it visible.
A few, then it's normal video compression glitches. If longer, then no.

Learn how compression technology works, then watch a 4K space movie on any flat screen tv, your will always see video abnormalities due to how compression technology works.
2/3/2022 the solar flare happens at ~3am and lasts for an hour which afterwards you can observe the anomalies

If you think that's bad what about the giant black dick.

you see this?

Attached: 1643930635777.webm (576x1024, 563.72K)

It's obviously a Borg Cube...and?

Nothing to see here
Taking my meds

Attached: HfmBvifOyf.png (1272x663, 437.39K)

image artifact.

Nothing to see here just more artifacts and glitches

Attached: 0AlWytBbEy.png (686x687, 399.06K)

its a fucking swastica mates

space jews are coming soon ;)

whats this plazma ?

The castle of Demon

A 10 dimensional cube, here.
We'll have none of that stuff here.
This is a local Earth, for local people.

fucking klingons.

You have to take the meds too, otherwise his won't work.

thats alot of swamp gas

damn why do aliens build their giant spaceship that is bigger than a planet with pixelation

do they know something we dont? should we build spaceships out of pixels? should we turn antialiasing off? I think so.

This nigga sees it

Attached: 1594863285832 (1).gif (489x301, 1.65M)

Attached: 566F203A-8A64-4539-9415-CBF86FDE0130.jpg (460x460, 77.54K)

There are 2 faces there

Looks like a space ship, shaped like 2 oil barrels and its a "G T"...

> simple as

Attached: 1643770770228m.jpg (1024x552, 118.25K)

It's clearly a door to the simulation.

things gonna get weird

Attached: schizotism2.png (1022x804, 602.62K)

Really tired of absolute mongoloids like you whether you are a deceptive shill or a genuine retard nigger faggot. Any user with two brain cells to rub together knows what the fuck is going on here.

Attached: red dragon.jpg (640x399, 38.87K)

It's General Zod in his hyper cube prison