What was his name again?

What was his name again?

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Dan "Dump my beercan in the slave from pakistan" Schneider?

Dan "If she runs I'll get my gun" Schneider?

Dan "she's a fighter hold her tighter" schneider

Fairly sure that Dan 'get em when their kiddies' Schneider raped Ariana Grande and the slightly asian looking one.

I'm pretty sure Dan Schneider got Zoey 101 pregnant

Attached: jamie-lynn-spears-mall.jpg (300x300, 41.84K)

John Candy?

Feet skeet Pete? Phil?


Dan "he forced his penis inside'er" Schneider

He's actually a pretty cool guy. Definitely neither a rapist nor paedophile. I've met him through work a few times and these rumours would probably hurt him greatly, please consider this next time you want to banter with strangers on Any Forums.

Dan "Zoey got my seed, now it's time to feed" Schneider

Dan “hymen divider” Schneider?

to be honest
are you saying you wouldn't?

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Dan “throw her in the van” Schneider

I used to be in love with all the girls on that show and now learning that dan schneider licked their feet and impregnated them all just makes me want to fucking hang myself

I will make these kikes pay for what they did to my waifu


Dan "Scream louder Miranda or I'm going to not cum again" Schneider

A fat Leaf and an obese kike are still different sub species my mutt.

Dan "Grab my pole to get a role" Schneider

I think that's Dan "stroke em while you choke em" Schneider

Dan "the cunny-chan man with a van and a plan" Schneider
>this is a glownigger thread, by the way






Dan can the beets fill my mouth with feet Schneider

Boba the feet.