What’s wrong, chuds? Trouble in paradise?

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nice link
post chud face, OP

Conservatives are just liberals that vote red team at this point

I jave never see the Canadian media throw every psyop they have at a protest and none of it working

>it wont happen
>its not that big
>ok is it that big and its too big
>actually no one showed up
>it was big but they are now losijg support
>they put a SIGN ON A STATUE!!
>crime was committed in ottawa one day and totallly believe us that it was protestors
>police totlaly arent lying about all this violence
>ok it isnt violent but that downplays the damage to our democracy

I could go on
>theyre nazis

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>false flag casually in a globohomo media headline
its not the overton window that's moving, it's the scenery behind it

>convinced it was a false flag

Double bluffing false flag demoralizers.

>be """journalist"""
>make up random shit you know midwit automatons would like to believe
>write about it
>midwit automatons seal clap
>don't have sex

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So fucking retarded, retard.

The left produce our best propaganda lmao

We know what the Doreen’s of the world who use stupid terms look like.

Ugh, more dyke bots. Zzzzzzz.

it looks like a comfy and wholesome party to me
thinking of going up

keep HONKing

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If you think it's not working, check more normie places like Reddit

No. Support the truckers. 100%

Reddit is a bot fest. And while there are normies on reddit, most people don't go on reddit, they go on facebook - which is normie heaven, and the support there is really mixed(and improving every day), but a greater indicator of what is going on than reddit.

Is tomorrow really going to be that based?

Except nobody is thinking the convoy is a false flag.
Nice try though I guess?

Kike story

you claimed it so it must be true right!

Ignore all the hordes coming because they are divided guys. we lost rip

hahah you deserve your pennies for this effort. Maybe next time make it more believable and less retarded ok?

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