Soldiers from fort Bragg headed to Europe

US Soldiers, paratroopers, are leaving Fort Bragg to help reenforce our allies in Europe. Putin is extremely fucked if he actually attacks Ukraine.

Attached: soldiers.jpg (1226x670, 151.64K)

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Joe is a devil worshipping whore here to sell you out.

I hope they come back in boxes.

Attached: 1643973861009.png (948x674, 510.15K)

Better than bloodthirsty dictator Putin who murders journalists and attacks small nation hoping to ressurrect the Soviet empire.

>3000 faggots and trannies are coming to Europe
>whatever will the vastly superior in quality ivan army do now
Why do these fake and gay neoliberal threads stay up on here? What's the point of them other than bait.

You do know that Putin isnt going to stop at Ukraine and that your small european nations depend on AMERICAN soldiers for your defense, right? What if Putin decides to take over your country? Your first call will be BEGGING the United States for help.

Not really. All the conservative anti-vax journalists dying here in the US of "Covid"?
That wasn't a mistake

Faggots and trannies? I dont think you would say that to their face, get pummeled into dirt. The Russians superior army? Don't make me laugh. Our soldiers destroyed hundreds of their elite soldiers in Syria when they tried to take a position held by Americans. No losses on the United States side.

Oh NO!
My Tranny Troops!

they are going to do glorified guard duty in poland

I hope for many dead zogbots.

Nice ID

Based…. Far away from me.

oh no Russiabros, they're sending Dilation Team 6 to Ukraine!

Attached: 1632053473790.jpg (1996x2440, 1.05M)

>fort Brag
they gonna come and brag about their shiny uniforms
wont they

>Women, spics, and poos pictured
They're not sending their best, folks

What are they going to do from the sidelines of neighboring countries that aren't Ukraine? Cheerlead?


Hope they arrived with their own zinc boxes

Stay the fuck home zogbots. You have no business in Europe.

Are you Jewish? You sound Jewish. I don't think you have a pro American bone in your body kike.

>russiabros gonna get fucked by less than 5000 muhrican troops and combat engineers

>Ft. Bragg
Weren't all those Army posts in the south supposed to renamed because of le evil Confederacy?

NIGGERS faggots and trannies.

Attached: USAvsChina.webm (782x440, 1.99M)

The 82nd ain't what it used to be, I don't know.