German comic. The text says:

German comic. The text says:
"Not bad, not we can recognize the ukrainians by the helmet"

Attached: 20220203005-003.jpg (728x410, 115.21K)

>now instead of not, fuck

We not what you meant, OP

what we?

I don't get it OP. I guess this goes to show again Germans are not funny

Bring back the Pickelhaube and Staghelm you fucking faggots

Slam dunk. Aquafresh.

What the hell does that even mean

After endless whining by hohols Germany donated 5000 helmets to them.

Is the comic artist being critical of Germans?

Germany is sending 5000 helmets to Ukraine

Holy kek, good joke, I didn't get it though at the start

Attached: 293-2939233_8037140-pepe-laughing-png-transparent-png.jpg (840x839, 170.56K)

Mich helmets?

Oh that is pretty funny desu

even if it would be in english i would still know that its a german joke

Defective ones, it's pure trolling at this point

No idea
Probably simple ballistic helmets instead pickelhaube or any fancy stuff

Germany ain't paying for your war.

But who was phone?

Har Har Har

I'm pro russia dumb nigger

Is true that there a lot of Russians in Israel that faked being jewish to scape the USSR?


in that case I'm pro NATO

I also love white people and am strongly against eating broken glass
Your move nigger

German humor. What the actual fuck?

Is that the one with two spikes?

user, supporting your own occupiers is kinda weird