National Socialism is Communist. Change my mind

Or at least Marxist.

In the short run, there may be a need for some state control of some things. The whole Trumpism thing was in fact just realizing that traditional Libertarian approaches may not be effective at dealing with things like illegal immigration or China, due to things like corruption and espionage and intellectual property theft.

But I've been hanging around some communist spaces, and got a quick reminder just how much of a non-starter central planning is. And the infiltration of Communists on this board is CLEARLY a Chinese op.

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>National Socialism is Communist. Change my mind.
American education.
Id tell you to read a book, but reading is for Communists.
You're an idiot.

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How do you decide what things are free market and what things are centrally controlled?


>'My Socialism is not the same thing as Marx's Socialism.
>My Socialism is not class war, but order.
>Whoever imagines Socialism as revolt and mass demagogy is not a National Socialist.
>Revolution is not games for the masses. Revolution is hard work.
>The masses see only the finished product, but they are ignorant, and should be ignorant, of the immeasurable amount of hidden labor that must be done before a new step forward can be taken.
>The revolution cannot be ended. It can never be ended.
>We are motion itself, we are eternal revolution.
>We shall never allow ourselves to be held down to one permanent condition.
>My Socialism, is not the same thing as Marxism. My Socialism is not class war, but order.
>Whoever imagines Socialism as revolt and mass demagogy is not a National Socialist.
>Revolution is not games for the masses. Revolution is hard work.
>The revolution cannot be ended. It can never be ended. We are motion itself, we are eternal revolution.
>We shall never allow ourselves to be held down to one permanent condition.
>What is the meaning of our party ?
>In place of the mass, there is now the people's community, developed from the masses, the incorporated nation awakened to self-consciousness: our party.
>The term 'party', however, is a misnomer.
>I should prefer the term 'order'.
>So I build the new Germany, not like a self-centered, and in the profoundest sense, unproductive artist of the present day, but like the pious cathedral builders of the Middle Ages.
>National Socialism is a cool and highly reasoned approach to reality based on the greatest scientific knowledge and its spiritual expression… .
>Above all, National Socialism is a Völkish Movement in essence.'
-- Adolf Hitler

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The Soviet Union lost the cold war because they were competing against impossible odds and because Russia doesn't have access to warm water ports, not because of central planning. If one day Russia gets access to the Atlantic ocean they'll destroy America once and for all.

>National Socialism is Communist. Change my mind.
Tell me what communism is.

When there are governments making kids where masks at school and traumatizing them for life,

And the Fed trying to mandate employers over like 6 employees get forced to take an experimental gene-therapy of subject themself to random anal swabs,

Yeah, I'd say good ol fashion, ass-kicking, American Liberty is a pretty powerful political message.

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And then you woke up.

>National socialism had a freemarket economy.

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Central control of the means of production

As opposed to private.

If that's the case, most historical states have been communist in one way or another.
What motivates communists?

I'm not a troll, I'm open to convincing.

Anyone know of a video that debates this or a good short explanation of the basics?

I'm a big reader, but my reading list is very long, so the quicker I can get what i want to know the better.

Literally a fact that anglo geographic advantage is part of what contributed to the hegemony. Russia has never been able to have a notable naval fleet because they don't have access to the atlantic ocean. Stalin himself said that the Soviet Union will never be able to wage war on America because he can't figure out how to build a significant naval fleet.

Hitler wasn't a retard so he took the parts of socialism that could actually work and made them work without all the gay shit.

>CLEARLY a Chinese op.
kill yourself kike

Call me a rube, but isn't there another side of the globe they could reach America from?

Like, wasn't that Sarah Palin's whole thing, that she could see Russia from her house?

You don't think AntiWork is (was) a Chinese op?

Stalin got rid of the gay shit too tho.
The USSR was incredibly "based" as far as that stuff goes. What the Antifa troons don't realize, is that in a Communist state, if you were exploring all this purple-haired fucking gender-bender identity shit, you apparently have too much time on your hands so they'd double your work load or ship you off to the Gulag.

There was no gay shit in communism either.


watch the documentary "hitler's war: what the historians neglect to mention"

people who make these kind of notions have no idea just how massive russia is and how vast and untamed the land in the far east is. it would be like trying to invade canada through the vast bogland of the canadian shield where there are no roads and no civilization, only boggy marshes for hundreds of miles in any direction