What does /pol think of Patriots.Win

Seems like it is controlled by kikes because every time you openly criticize Jews they ban you. They say "we don't allow racist remarks bla bla bla" but that's a lie because you can perfectly criticize muslims, chinese, african americans... every race except Jews

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It is full of (((Christcucks))), i.e. Jews. What did you expect. They love Israel before all.

but why American christucks like Jews? It's a total contradiction, the Jews hate christians, don't understand... In Europe is not so blatant

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If you mention wooden doors on Trump's new site. They literally send the secret service to conversation you. You migas want that jew cuck as president again?

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lAnon, everyone knows if you don't suck off a jewish cock until he cooms, Jebus won't come back, and the US will be cursed to fall. Then what, you think the boomers are going to suffer for their complete race-treason and greed? Sounds uncomfy for oldfags. Heck no they'll get muh raptured into the sky to the bosom of angels, who'll bow to them and thank them profusely for what deserving and wonder people they are. The best people. The best generation ever. Then they'll rule over heaven for eternity as a sun of the kang.

they're faggots

We won't have a country long before that. But that was their goal all along anyways. Evangelicals and "Republicans" are responsible for white genocide and the extreme levels of faggotry were forced to suffer through these days.

Anyone taking party sides in the future gets the rope

what trump's new site? i wanna do a thing or 2

They are willfully self-deceived and want a shortcut to the Kingdom of God.

No opinion
I've never been there. I'm not going to form an opinion of it. Look at the wacked out lunatics blindly libeling anybody they don't agree with. If I formed an opinion without going there(which I don't plan to do), I'd be no different.
They're probably being anti-antisemetic because of what happened to parler. Look at Whoopie Goldberg. Jews are the one people you can't criticize.

This board is literally that meme
Right now

What the fuck is wrong with your country, christians arent like that anywhere else on the world

Only Jews use echos

Its /ptg/ but 100x worse

Sounds like their moderation is the same as on Any Forums. Inconsistent.

Every t_d .win offshoot site is the same cuckservative cancer. Better to not waste your time.

I've made post critical of jews in the site and haven't gotten banned. Maybe they just missed me?

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WHITES are the real Jews. Boomers say Jesus was a white man, but all of a sudden Jews are the chosen people? No, that's not how it works. If Adam and Eve were white, and Jesus was white, than whites are the real Jews. Simple as.

Consumeproduct.win is much better, even though they're run by the same people you're allowed to talk about jews on there.

>everything I know about Christianity, I learned from jews
>I don't like what I heard
>obviously that means Christianity is bad
>Jews lie about everything, but they definitely don't lie about this
Actually braindead.