Totally just a coincidence

Attached: 55441903-8B04-4DCD-8B1C-519072FE0A92.jpg (828x1119, 169.84K)

Other urls found in this thread:㕣

Is that an ancient chinese symbol or modern one?

The symbols for people is wrong.

based retard
It's used as a counter for people sometimes

I would love to learn Chinese but it looks difficult.

well obviously I'd be ancient

>australian flag

memes write themselves

It's less difficult than learning all the pokemon

It's Traditional Chinese, from 2nd century AD.

Ancient Chinese was used in 825 BC.

Attached: 1280px-Song_ding_inscription.jpg (1280x1191, 543.21K)

I wouldn't know where to start user.

口 means people?
no, it means oral

Its not that hard

Attached: 1638800213005.png (640x659, 15.69K)

>t. doesn't understand how radicals work
This kind of character is what's called a phono-semantic compound. The part on the left (舟) is what gives the character its meaning, and the part on the right (㕣) gives the character its pronunciation. Also 口 doesn't even mean person, it means mouth.

Attached: 1620086401677.jpg (772x525, 78.6K)

Look at those fags arguing which ching-chong-bing-bong scribble is written right.

Attached: db8.png (634x650, 281.79K)


i didnt get the joke? is it related to le happy merchant?

人口 means population, so perhaps 口 could be used as a counter for people as the Ausbro above mentioned

Start with pronunciation. Learn pinyin tables. There are about 400 syllables to learn.

Due to the historic "monosyllable" nature of Chinese languages, all you need to do is remember the most common words that are pronounced with that syllable. For example "guo" means country or juice or whirlpool. Then smoosh these together into compounds like "gongongqiche" means bus or public-worker-fire-train. or some shit. I'm no chinxpert.

Getting a good accent is as easy as mocking the intonation, learn intonation the same as in English who cares about tone. The CONSONANTS are more important than vowels. Chinks literally just slur all the vowels together. When it says "Wo yao chi jiao zi fan" on the page you can say out loud "w yw ch jyw z fn" and it's probably better accent than your first attempt.

you got it

sorry not a chink just a weeb

>traditional characters

read more - steve kaufmann

im the only person in this thread that speaks chinese.
doesn't make sense at all, the word 船 just means boat, the fact that you can turn it in to 3 characters is nonsense. these characters have changed several times over the years and the components are mainly for convenience of writing.
nobody says 人們. the plural of 人 is 人. 船上有人,那邊有一些人,這裡太多人. not 某個地方有人們.

completely bizarre and unique misunderstanding of how chinese characters work

Modern china
>>"ching chong"
Old china
>>"Long ago, I was chinese"

Yeah, and if you stay on Any Forums long enough, and you will be able to instantly tell

Attached: 1600124169699.png (438x350, 218.77K)

Thanks user I'll give it a try.

Before long I'll be eating live rats partly cooked in gutter oil and getting swallowed by escalators with the best of them!

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maricón nuevo

This is modern, the ancient one found on the bronze inscription is a bit different.

Attached: 船-bronze.svg.png (300x300, 8.6K)㕣
Educate yourself.


口 means mouth. The reason 人口 means population is because the population of a country is how many peoples mouths need to be fed.

The square means mouth. English has the same concept “mouths to feed.” You will often find this sort of language in texts about society and governance (RoTK shit) because people are consumers and have an upkeep cost.

So yes the mouth here is actually referring to people. Derp.

>8 mouths can't represent 8 people

Full disclosure: Chinese writing is logography, which means something very important when in context: It means that Hanzi characters can be used to write ANY LANGUAGE YOU WANT and that people who learn to read them don't learn how to speak Chinese.

Learning to read Chinese and leaning to talk Chinese are not closely related and are two tasks you learn seperately if it's easier.

For example I see 他是德国人 and my brain automatically reads "He is German person". It takes like 15 more seconds for my brain to know it says "Ta Shi De Guo Ren" and I don't even remember the fucking tones. Fuck chinks.

Nice. Thanks.

>Modern china
>>>"ching chong"
>Old china
>>>"Long ago, I was chinese"
Old chinese indeed sound different to modern chinese
listen to this

What are you getting at?

Attached: 1643209691201.png (640x659, 15.67K)

Whars coincidental about it?

>completely bizarre and unique misunderstanding of how chinese characters work
Wrong. So very, very wrong. The vast majority of hanzi are phono-semantic compounds. Native speakers who don't understand their own language are pathetic. And baffling.
>t. linguist

>all boats are vessels that have eight people
yeah no good try tho

>English has the same concept

Some days I would have nightmares that Mandarin is just an English relex. I mean look at this shit:


>Old Chinese


Simplified Chinese is such a shit show wreck.
Learned JP kanji, and even with usually minor changes, reading traditional Chinese is far from impossible, even with zero Mandarin knowledge.
But Simplified? Who the fuck knows, nothing makes sense anymore or matches what used to be the context of the hanzi.

Watch some league games and read some Smogon articles. Avoid anything written by furries and you will be ok.