Redpill me on Hitler

Hitler is standing on top of a building that resembles Jeffrey Epstein's Island temple. Why? Give me your best explanation

Attached: adolf-hitler-during-the-bayreuth-festival-1940-C45WEX.jpg (890x1390, 182.74K)

Other urls found in this thread: bugnato portale

Its the exact same thing.

Attached: epstein-temple-1200x627.jpg (1200x627, 109.25K)

Because Hitler was part of a psyop made by the same Banker jews that own everything today and who owner everything back then.

That Hier building probably being some sort of masonic aka jewish lodge guaranteed.

I assumed as much.

i do not even believe hitler existed, there is not a single proof beside muh 144p video and 48kbps voice recording, that could be literally anyone and anything just like a moon landing, if you believe in lolocaust you believe in kikeler everything is a lie


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>i do not even believe hitler existed
Hitler was just an Actor from the jewish phoenician banker families. He only existed for propaganda purposes same as every other „Leader“ at the time.

Also many pictures of him were shooped. Not with photoshop but back then they used other techniques, like paste ups.
Basically cutting him out from one photo and then inserting him into another one.
Most hilarious ones are the fake WW1 pics of him or the ones where he „met“ with chamberlain, somehow Hitler and Chamberlain constantly changing their height lmao

Goyim are stupid
>Alkalai's view of Jewish return to the Land of Israel was a religious one. He maintained, based on an ample body of religious literature, that the coming of the Messiah and divine redemption of the Jews require their return to the Promised Land. His Kabbalistic view made him specifically assert that the year 1840 was the Year of Redemption, which was not a single year, but "a century, from this day until 1939", representing the "days of the Messiah". Unless powerful practical steps were taken, this opportunity would be lost, and the next extended "year" starting in 1940 would be one of great hardship when "with an outpouring of wrath will gather our dispersed". The outcome - the return to the Promised Land - would be the same, but under much harsher circumstances.
>At his height, he enjoyed the company of Germany's military and business elite, also becoming close with members of the SA. It is claimed he was a supporter of the Nazis despite his Jewish ancestry, which was an open secret.

>Stories abound of meetings between Hanussen and Hitler, including an encounter shortly before the election of November 1932, during which Hanussen taught Hitler his crowd control techniques of using gestures and dramatic pauses. Hanussen was also quite close to other important Nazi officials, to whom he had often lent money, including Wolf-Heinrich Graf von Helldorf, Karl Ernst and Friedrich Wilhelm Ohst.

>... during the early 1920s Hitler took regular lessons in speaking and in mass psychology from a man named [Hanussen] who was also a practicing astrologer and fortune-teller. He was an extremely clever individual who taught Hitler a great deal concerning the importance of staging meetings to obtain the greatest dramatic effect."

Attached: Hitler fulfills jew prophecies.png (620x870, 342.4K)

Relevant thread:

Attached: Protocols antisemites.jpg (1159x664, 216.21K)

he was a pedo irl, but that's a most common pattern in old european buildings

Attached: design-per-una-porta-di-un-palazzo-bugnato-anonimo-francese-del-xviii-secolo-ca-1740-kc8hgk.jpg (791x1390, 167.04K)

That pattern has to mean something it can't just be random, just compare the images of Epstein temple to the image of Hitler at Bayreuth, if it shows up in old European buildings that just means the evil runs deeper than we can imagine

This was an old bathhouse in Aleppo, Syria. Probably where jewish paedophilia happened. But the pattern itself was used in all sorts of things even during the Moorish times in mosques, etc...

Attached: Hammam Yalbugha Aleppo.jpg (1200x797, 215.91K)

take your meds. The only thing that resembles is the bottom and the window in it. There were a shitton of baroque "Jugendstil" buildings b4 bombed by americans and british. You found one in which Hitler stood. This is retarded.

>That pattern has to mean something
lol, that's an architectural decoration to mimic an ancient roman stone or brick arch, a revival if you will (that's not denying the evil runs very deep ofc) bugnato portale

Attached: palazzo massimo rerum6.jpg (1200x1600, 646.6K)

take meds stormfags, or decent job FBI on trying to make us look bad with this retarded, tenuous connection.

It's a common layered masonry pattern for old buildings. walk in any old city and you'll see it everywhere. Epstein modeled his dome after an old middle eastern temple made of a similar layered masonry. do what you will with that an connections to freemasonry, but the hitler thing is pure coincidence

I tried researching epstein's Island temple, and it turns out that Epstein planned for that building to be a music room.

The bayreuth building that Hitler is standing on, is also a music room, built by musician Wagner

No way thays a coincidence

This world is ruled by Satan, Satan is ancient, it doesn't surprise me if the symbolism is common and found in old buildings from all over the place.

You guys underestimate the true nature of this enemy

You can't just handwave away by saying that the symbol is common

You were told that symbolism will he their downfall. Thats only possible if the symbolism is widespread.

It isn't called "masonry" for nothing tho, the arch has both a structural and geometric / philosophical meaning, imagine the mental abstraction it took to pass from slabs of wood / rock to such versatile structures, the central stone keep it all in place and discharge the weight on the pillars and the rest of the wall, some structures lasting millennias.
The one on the island resembled me an attempt to take inspiration from the mediterranean style, the dome on top is very common in greek buildings too, it is the arch extended concept in structural terms. Same colour palette too.

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Classic architecture is classic?

Satoshi, eh?

now that I think about it a similar pattern was used in ancient fashion too, perhaps it held similar meanings to the initiated.

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The arch also enrage the subhumans for some reasons

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I feel like now we are getting somewhere. Maybe this is connected to things like kek and other Egyptian stuff that is being flaunted nowadays. I don't know.

you can't listen to what germans say about hitler, they are the victims of the deepest brainwash in history against him.

watch the documentary "hitler's war: what the historians neglect to mention" and you will see the real Hitler

>geli raubal
>believing jewish psy ops


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they truly are. mosley should be taken off that picture though, he was kosher as a motherfuck