What political advice would you give to your 10 year old self knowing everything that you know now?

What political advice would you give to your 10 year old self knowing everything that you know now?


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Move out of California, but buy land there first.

There is no left and right. Only human and anti-human. Trust nothing and do whatever you want.

this, also holy trips

Communism is for retards

You may get what you want from the system but never depend on it for what you need.

build a time machine

it's the jews young user, it always has been

I would tell my 10-year-old self he's pretty cool and to no let anyone dissuade him from being true to himself.

I'm not GAY!!

Wash your ass everytime you shit

Common law is the solution to the NAP problem for anarcho capitalism.

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10 year olds cannot be convincted

"Everything you hate the other side for now will be done by your side in 30 years. Right is left, and up really is down, bucko. Also: don't marry the first girl that comes along, especially if she is Californian."

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It's yourself. You literally couldn't convince yourself?

trump sucks but meme him anyway for the lols

Grab a lot of titties in high school, you won't get arrested

you have shit taste in women

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Learn to grow weed.

He didn't say convinced. He said "convicted." He probably should have said, "10 year-olds can't be charged as adults." It was funny regardless.

Maybe I would save that for my 17-year-old self. I would tell my 10-year-old self that voting is fake and gay.

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I didn't know it at the time, but I hated Jews then. Any time the Holocaust was ever brought up I dreaded it. Now I know why, I must have had some subconscious idea that it was fake. I never wanted to hear some old lady talk about the gas chambers, or Jewish culture. I got an in-school suspension for a day because I made an Anne Frank joke and after being accosted by the kike teacher, I followed up with "Hey now I'm offended too. My grandma died in the holocaust when she was 6 years old!"

That part was high school though, not grade school. That being said: I'd tell my younger self to keep on keeping on.

Burn down the mason lodge and start biting throats out sooner.

Kill yourself now because it's just gonna get worse from here

-Your gut feelings about the "holocaust" survivor that visited your class are right. Ms. Bender is brainwashed. She should never have made you sit in the hall for asking a simple question.


thank you

Sorry, he misspelled and I misread. I apologize.

This. Take them all out, record everything, you'll be out by 18. The world will be a better place.

Liberalism is a quasi-religious brain disease and your parents are dogshit for brainwashing you for brownie points, instead of teaching you how the real world works.

>What political advice would you give to your 10 year old self knowing everything that you know now?
empty clip to the back of head save both ourselves a lot of time and suffering

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> crypto and stocks (in order to buy land + house)
> Play Deus Ex and stop playing games sooner
> Show a picture that the girl will get fat, she's was never worth it
> Put more effort in multivariable analysis, it's a hassle to have gaps in that area sucks.
> Mom and dad was right from the start on the "black people" thing, niggers really are an infection of the human gene pool
> Grandma had a point about the Jews
> Dad shouldn't have married a mom if he wanted to stay true to his politics
> Mom should have told you earlier about why grandma never talked to you.
> The asshole in 7th grade was right on one thing, you are one of them.
> You should have aimed for the face, not just the stomach and his fingers, principal will yell at you no matter what anyway...
> Your school teachers are B A S E D, don't take it for granted, they don't exist anymore.

I think that will cover most of it.

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Same here. I remember watching the History Channel in the late 90s when it was nothing but WWII documentaries. For some reason I always was fascinated with Hitler and the ideas of National Socialism. Even though it was presented as "the ultimate evil", there was some inkling of an idea that we might be better off if we hadn't destroyed them. Of course, the Holocaust propaganda and the "Saving Private Ryan"-esque media blitz did a number on me, and it took me a couple decades to come around.

So my advice to myself would be blow up your TV, and follow your gut.

> married a mom
I meant, "married mom", Grandma would unironically had killed him if he married a single mom.