Why doesn't school teach you about anything important like paying taxes and health insurance?

Why doesn't school teach you about anything important like paying taxes and health insurance?

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because school is fake and gay

You have to wonder why they don't teach you about paying taxes since the government runs schools and benefits from taxes.
But anyway school isn't about teaching you useful skills. It's part prison, part daycare, part indoctrination center to prepare you to a "member of society" i.e. a worker in the machine. The elite sends their kids to schools which teach them to be managers and owners of society, not "honest citizens"

a dulled down, unintelligent nation is easy to lead

We had home ec back in the day. Turns out all they thought us was heating canned soup and making a ham sandwich, at 13. Imagine needing to learn that at 13.

Because your parents are supposed to do that. Homeschoooing is, in any Case, especially in thé modern world, thé better choice anyways.

School is meant to waste 12 years of your life so that you're not prepared for what life really is, then you get scared and decide to play it safe by wasting 4 more years of your life and then go into debt.

It's all a Jewish scam to make it so that you don't learn how to build a house, farm, garden, carpentry, and retire by age 25.

School teaches you the foundations of math and English which you use to keep learning whatever you want.
Don't blame the teachers for not educating you, blame yourself.
Go read up about taxes and health insurance now if that interests you instead of shitposting on Any Forums. They taught you how to read, right?

think about it...if they taught you about those things, you would be so pissed off that you may actually kill them all and ruin their system.

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I was surprised that "who discovered America?" wasn't on my job applications.

I don't understand either...

Cause school teaches you to be a slave NPC automaton normie.

School teaches you to work for money, not make money work for you.

Only answer

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They want you to fail and be dumb so the elites can keep their satanic orgies going uninterrupted

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My school just put a glory hole in the men’s bathroom at my request

Because not even skills related to appeasing the government are in the governments interest to teach. This >t. soon to hold a meme degree
Considering credit maxxing

That's not the point of school, and not why public education at least was set up.
Public education for the most part, was created for two main objectives: widespread literacy rates + basic competence in core academic skills, and getting children used to a worker's schedule at a young age so they're prepared to be timely and adjusted employees by adulthood. Over time as women left the home, schools also became impromptu childcare facilities responsible for teaching children character development - which they do maliciously and poorly for the most part.
The only benefits schools are supposed to provide the children themselves is equal (though currently, this is just equally mediocre) access to learning facilities and tools regardless of how broke and retarded your parents are.
You can see about how well that worked out. But, this is also because our education systems were targeted and successfully infiltrated during the cold war, which we're now seeing the results of according to schedule:

People pay taxes, but the vast majority doesn't even understand why... it's like a mechanism for them. Me, I don't understand, when I do something I need to understand.

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Everything is upside down. The schools teach you useless things, your parents teach you to go into debt and work until 65. Fuck my life.

So when you get older they can monetarily rape your asshole.
Makes it easier that way.