Why are gays so fucking annoying with their voice?

Every time I hear them I wanna kill a ton of faggots, why the fuck do they put up with fake ass feminine voice that sounds like they are getting their balls pulled?

Attached: WhyIhateGays.jpg (960x468, 89.15K)

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>why the fuck do they put up with fake ass feminine voice
to sound like women so other gay men will fuck them.
its all fake btw. When you put a gay dude under laughing gas they stop their fake gay voice

Nitrous oxide is more dense than air thus lowering the voice. The opposite effect of helium.

Flamers need to let everybody know they're gay or else they will cease to exist, they're like trannies in that way

Some people just have higher voices naturally. Straight men with higher voices are mistaken as gay all the time due to kike culture linking it with faggorty

They're huge perverts that identify with their perversion as if they can't control it, literal slaves. Remember Freddy Mercury singing "I want to be free" while dressed as a 1950s typical mom? What the fuck does he know about freedom, the guy is stuck 6 feet under entirely due to his own misbehavior and slavery to it. Who's laughing now faggot? What a horrible poison homosexuality is.

Hate the Sodom "accent" & make sure to mention it every time my kids are around.

There's a particular tone and affectation that only flamboyant gays use.

>Why are gays so fucking annoying with their voice?
fag parasite excrete hormones which change the host's behaviors, including vocalizations. take the parasite pill, user: files.catbox.moe/9rbtxh.pdf

Gays are just men emulating women.
The deeper question is why is femininity so inherently degrading?

Attached: JohnWayneHonkler.jpg (1100x1016, 227.15K)

>why is femininity so inherently degrading
It isn't, it's degrading for someone to attempt a 24/7 irl LARP though which is what flamboyant fags do

A ton of faggots in America is about 4 people

real faggotry has never been tried

they all talk like caricatures of sassy black women

>why is femininity so inherently degrading?
because femininity is submissive

Gays purposely change their voice.

it’s clearly Demonic Possession. demons have gay voices

I was always wondering this too
It’s fucking ANNOYING
My neighbor is a faggot and I plan on keying his car once we move this year. He has a rainbow sticker on his car too. And he’s a beaner. And he’s scared of my goldendoodle. And he’s socially awkward.

Literally no good qualities

I have met 2 men that speak like fags but they unfortunately just grew up surrounded by women. Eventually they re-taught themselves how to speak and theyre all good now. Its rare but it happens

They are massive fucking attentionwhores.
Everything they do is to divert from what people would consider normal so they can force everyone to pay attention to them.

when they are around other faggots or in a faggot environment, their voices get even more gay. The gay accent is really fake.