Book Burning in Tennessee yesterday

Book burnings just make conservatives look like idiots. Why bother in the year 2022? My liberal friends are all talking about this.

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>look like idiots.
to you. they dont care. and desu youre no authority in the matter. picrel.

>My liberal friends are all talking about this.
who tf cares

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Books encouraging children to chop off the genitalia/mammary glands and suck off pedophiles should be burned. I'm all for free speech, but "adult" subjects should be kept for adults only.

God burned Sodom and Gomorrah. So what?

Let me guess, it was 1 guy with couple audience members and they burned 4-5 books in a small fire, maybe in a barrel

OMG the 5th Reich is coming!!!!

This is a bad look for us as Americans, I agree, but one does not have to physically burn books to prevent them from being read.

Texas, which is insisting upon banning Maus (something some of you think is good since it's seen as an anti-Zionist move) also banned 1984.

As bad as THAT is, people on the left have spent the last 7 years flat-out trying to kill people who disagree with them by getting their fired from their jobs. If we had any labor protections in this country (something the left has pushed for in the past) then they woulf not have been able to get people thrown out of workplaces.

>Fire rising right before your eyes
>Anxious about optics on the internet

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What is the appropriate reaction to that and why is it picrel?

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Good. Please remember and remind your libcuck friends that this occurred in TN and stop moving here. I'm sick of seeing a sea of California, NY and IL license plates.

Good, our education system does nothing but talk about killing whites. Fuck niggers, Jews and spics

>Accuse your opponent of what you are doing, to create confusion and to inculcate voters against evidence of your own guilt. -Saul Alinsky
Wait until the "decolonize your bookshelf" movement really becomes a thing and all books by white males are openly tossed in the fire, if it's not happening already.

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The famous last bastion of someone with no other argument.

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>My liberal friends are all talking about this.
They're the same ones that think Texas is banning books and nobody down here has any idea what they're talking about. Sheep bleat.

i disagree.
there is no woodchipper in this picture.

Burning books is fun but some books deserve a rewrite

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Conservatives just make us look bad. Why do they do this? Burning shitty childrens fiction? The fuck is wrong with them.


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There is no argument. There is only right and wrong action.


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>left cancels media they see unfit
>no one bats an eye
>rigjt cancels media they see unfit

>wow this cancer is destroying our society
>I should leave the cancer causing literature in the libraries though because muh principles

You have liberal friends? It's no wonder you talk like an idiot. Too bad it's only books burning.

They thank you for helping their Great Reset

people cant balance a checkbook or stay at a good weight, but lets bitch about muh wizards harry

t. liberal
captcha ywnbw

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some holocaust book called Maus and some crt shit