Southern Dumbasses Strike Again

Hey Cooter, let's go out and drive on ice like it's 85 degrees and sunny and then when we flip our car over in the ditch we use the typical lame ass excuses

>We're not used to driving in this weather
This weather hits EVERY FUCKING YEAR usually twice a year
>We weren't given enough advance notice

Same for you faggot truckers who slide off the road or jack knife..did you skip the fucking part of the JBL training where they told you how to drive in shitty weather?

Jesus you people are fucking inbreds without a clue...

Attached: Dumbasses.jpg (2020x1180, 1.57M)

>implies Southern white
Bro that's a spic wreck

Hear, hear.

t. Colorado

Literally in another thread that just died, we had a fucking Alabama rube boasting about how he was going to beat our asses for not agreeing with him that anyone who walks out onto a frozen lake should be left alone and anybody who warns him it's dangerous should be fucking annihilated because only pussy faggots can't walk a mile or two in sub-freezing weather by themselves after falling through ice.

Attached: these faggots are talking to us about how to handle arctic conditions.jpg (992x558, 144.87K)

Pretty much spot on, but most likely a California transplant if we're honest.

It’s a Nissan driver. They’re all stupid cunts all the time.

They never get in state plates. They'll drive $70k Tesla SUVs and never bother to pay to get new plates.

I lived in Texas for 5 years... I was glad to get the fuck out of there. Outside of the major cities like Austin and Houston, the entire state is dumbass rural hick country white trash. And the sad thing is they actually think they are relevant when they are just rural retards.

Thanks for contributing to GDP, cuckboi

Looks like a city slicker got sneeded.

Hick here. Been driving on ice for years. Droven it like bogging in knee-deep muddy water. Do you know how to GET'EM UP?

lol your id says CUM

>This weather hits EVERY FUCKING YEAR usually twice a year
It got down to 1 degree F here last night. Coldest it has been in my 20 years of living here.

You guys try driving in this kind of weather without salt trucks or chains or even snowplows. See how you handle it. Nevermind that you faggots are already here and crashing left and right no matter the weather since you are all vaxxbrained and drive like maniacs even before that.


>Geico: "Thank You for calling Geico, how may I help you today?"
>Dumb Mutt: "yeeea, we hads us an accident or somethin'"
>Geico:" ok sir, can you please describe what exactly happened?"
>Dumb Mutt: "da fuckin' car didn't stay on da road"
>Geico; "ok sir, we can't accept claims when you drive at Full Speed on icy fucking roadways" / click

>You guys try driving in this kind of weather without salt trucks
Huh. Maybe, I dunno, you should hire one or two. Maybe even a plow. And maybe build a little building to keep them in, and maybe put some bags of stuff in there, like...salt. Not that you fucking white trash understand what planning for the future means. You and niggers both suffer from that deficiency.

lol just got driving 50km in a snowstorm with the roads not plowed going 90kmh

just buy winter tires and learn how to drive

also it's fun because nobody is on the roads

>id: CUM

>Just spend 500 million dollars for something you won't need for another 50 years
Dimwits can't into conditional thinking. You are literally incapable of considering that it doesn't get very cold in other places because it gets very cold where you are from.


Shit. Y'all need help.

Lol the absolute state of cityfags

I have a 4wd astrovan and 8years of livibg in the heart of the rocky mountains commuting 40 miles twice a day on i-70
Moved back to the east coast and holy fuck its astoundingly retarded
I pulled two people out within 5min of leaving my house saturday morning

>liberal homosexual moves to Austin for 3+ years becomes disillusioned when he drives five minutes out and sees rural farmland
Tale as old as time

>thinks a few trucks and a few bags of salt costs 500 million fucking dollars
Holy fucking shit.