The whoopi goldberg narrative collision has provided us with momentum on of the jews weakest points...

the whoopi goldberg narrative collision has provided us with momentum on of the jews weakest points. this one is quite simple, they have to call this out as a hate speech for insinuating that jews are not white, which means jews *are* white, which than means that anti semitism doesn't exist because you cant be racist towards white people.


they call this out as hate speech for suggesting that jews *arent* white, suggesting to anyone watching that jews are in fact an alien people and that systemic white supremacy is a myth when all system of power in america are run by a non white people.

its a checkmate win win statement. if they try to pilpul and continue to be their own race outside of the white non white dichotomy, they will simply further prove the point that they are trying to have their matzah and eat it too.

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alternatively, this one. which of these would be a more effective poster? this one works because white means bad in npc newswpeak. so you are saying "Jews are Bad"

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I like it. Bump.

The jews secret to success is to own both sides of every argument and force people to think about them all the time.

I've seen professors call Israel a white supremacist state, so don't underestimate them

Schrodinger's Jew

Jews are not (solely) White. The biggest problem with them is they are an admixture of their diaspora.
Their "muh diversity" is projection, even though they know the same subversion would destroy Israel.

Could we just call Jews the most privileged white people? Non-whites who can tell the difference already tend to feel this way. Everyone knows they tend to be wealthy.

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but bro, Jews are a race so Goldberg wuz wrong

Attached: Judge rules that Judaism is not a race but Jewish people can be targe_ - (1063x1653, 818.03K)

This is way too abstract for normies to digest.

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How do we red pill people without getting banned?

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this one would be more effective, since this is what whoopi said and caused the most jewish butthurt

>jew becomes race to normies now
>make it apparent that a minority race is the majority controlling government, corporations and banks

If you think the political debate nowadays is based on logic and arguments, you are destined to lose.

You don’t. There are only NPCs. You start winning in the physical world, and they will adjust accordingly.

this will cause the most kvetching

Summarized in two questions:
If jews are white, why punish Whoopi?
If jews aren't white, why are they always counted as white when, for example, comparing wealth and power positions held by different races in the US?

Hispanics already get away with this. Hispanics come in lilly white to black as night. The distinction doesn’t apply in most people’s minds this side of the Atlantic.

Hard decision. The first one is powerful when you add in the fact that jews are white in wealth statistics. But the second removes their victim status.

Focusing on the fact that jews ran the slave industry, from top to bottom is the only message that will ever make a difference.

i'm talking about their framing of themselves and how the left frames them as a whole. what they actually are is irrelevent for this particular npc deconditioning.

Noise makers post the most and ate the most irrational but the regular people are quite rational and the dissonance will have to be resolved in time, maybe it takes a few years.

>Whites evil oppressor who control everything
>Jews great people, victim of racism and white people.
>Jews control 90+% media and 100% central banking
>One or more of these 3 assertions must be false.

Ignore the paid shills here and paid propaganda places like JSM or reddit. Look instead at the rising antisemitism on the right, it's fore shadowing. Look at the polling of people who no longer believe the hall-of-cost and observe it's exponential.

All Linear patterns succumb to exponential forces across time. That's the fundamental mechanism behind the real power in controlling the ability to print money.