Modern entertainment blows ass

>Movies filled with niggers, stronk wahmen and faggots
>Video Games filled with niggers, stronk wahmen and faggots
>Comics filled with niggers, stronk wahmen and faggots

All my copes are almost gone. And no i don't want to go out and meet people. Getting friends is cringe, and getting a gf is even more cringe. I just want to cope in peace without blackwashing, feminism, and gay propaganda. I blame kikes for this.

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Don't watch anything post 1975

Make your own movies, videogames, and comics.

I was hyped for elden ring but after they revealed it's just dark souls 3 but in an empty world i was disappointed, still gonna pirate day 1 though

I don't watch anything post 2014 instead. That was the year when everything went to hell

>Video Games
time to grow up faggot

>muh movies
>muh video games
>muh comics
How about you stop CONSOOMING HECKIN PRODUCTS!!!!! like a dumb fucking cattle and pick up a book or something, you degenerate manchild. Good lord.

For real though, what the FUCK happened between 2014-15?
The difference between one year and another is day and night, no one gave a flying fuck about genders or pronouns before these years, and all of the sudden, in 2014-15, people started caring and taking them seriously.

What the fuck happened?

Globohomo kicked in

Gamergate happened, but all the social justice shit had been ramping up for years before that.

Do you not remember the Netflix protest? These are the mentally ill people making movies and tv shows people watch. They're deranged

Ferguson riots I think

Gamergate. They were trying to be covert with their infiltration but when discovered they sperged out and showed their true colors

The world as you knew it ended in the end of 2012.
Mayans were real. we're in the end times now

fucking checked, 20/12/2012

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That's because smart people don't 'watch' entertainment.

Your place is here on the internet, video games and in books.

good. make your own, support like minded smaller creators who aren't making pozzed diarrhea or find a better way to spend your time. divorce yourself from globohomo.

what are you, a nazi?

What’s worse is the hapas who plague online games now

Just watch Nerdrotic and Shadiversity as they review the new Kang of the Rangz. It will be kino.
When YouTube shuts down these guys then it's all truly dead.

I almost exclusively consume nip media nowadays. Western stuff is long dead.