>RMCP catch the Ottawa truckers stockpiling a massive cache of propane tanks and liquid accelerants.
Holy fucking shit, they're planning an Oklahoma City sized attack against the Canadian government!! The army needs to move in NOW!

Attached: 1643990410726.jpg (613x654, 93.1K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Yeah armed forces could get a burger on grill too! Beats by far canadian ratio pack for sure! Also bring these mercedes jeeps to join the honking!!

>wooden structure

Attached: billieboi.png (720x853, 454.7K)

It'll get torn down. They don't have a building permit

Oh no.... They definitely didn't have those to cook, heat, or unfreeze stuff... Evil evil Canadians. When will they learn?

Holy shit a truck full of Ammonia Nitrate just turned up

no. they're building a new city hall. they will write their own permot and tear down the old city hall for bot having a permit.

>They don't have a building permit
boot licking leaf nigger

>Hi Jack! These burgers are da'bomb
Freeze terrorists! Open fire boys!

>they have propane for grilling and diesel for fueling the trucks

>glued cardboard pannels

Attached: 1322433742.jpg (508x943, 89.52K)

Do they have a permit for the protest?

That community kitchen is breaking the minds of the vaxxcattle just as much as a truck honk. This CBC propagandist rage quit Twitter over it.

Attached: Rage Quit.png (602x206, 14.91K)

In America we call that a house.

Nope. The structure passes mettle.

At least they're using proper materials to contain any gas leak.

Attached: 1643979230269.png (1869x861, 2.75M)




>building a cache of accelerant
It's called proper storage you asshat lmao, its safety 101 on ANY jobsite

I REALLY hope that the canadian government tries something. Let's get WW3 and global civil wars going NOW.

The urban parasitical scum are just pissed off that the people who make society function behind the scene are coming out and making their concerns heard without any mediation by The System. It drives them wild that working people are getting uppity and demanding things instead of being happy with the scraps they are thrown.

Attached: Honking Is Violence.png (600x213, 15.97K)

Attached: 1643984093741.jpg (720x439, 46.89K)


Wait. If you're here, who's licking boots?!

Attached: 1641570934258m.jpg (1024x1015, 119.44K)

The propane tanks are situated behind a a steel cage, entirely within occupational health and safety requirements.

It's Ocean's nine-teen. taking down the Montreal Bank.

Attached: PB&J.jpg (275x275, 26.14K)




She should just move back to India. With a last name like Raj she is clearly high caste enough to have a few slaves.

If they own the land they don't need a permit if it's below 10 by 10 feet

>threw out
God I hate zoomers. I saw one spell 'discussed' as 'disgust' recently. They're not going to make it.

Retards on twitter assume they’ll explode like a video game, instead of just venting out burning gas and moving around a bit (hence the cage)

the tweeter cunt clearly knows its not a bomb factory and probably a kitchen but they are phrasing it in a way to suggest that they are planning something dangerous

24" on center looks like 1/2" OSB either material shortage or they don't have any framers there that know better.


Proof theyre glowies

It does look like something Chuck would do allegedly.

There should never be a reason to use "parasitical" over "parasitic" but alright, you got me.

The CBC is a domestic terror operation. They should not only be defunded but jailed.

Are you sure it's not for the grills no doubt found in their new soup kitchen?

she lasted 4 hours

How dare the slaves revolt and disturb us in our well-earned sleep?

>how dare antifa block roads