When will Russia strike? Do something already

When will Russia strike? Do something already

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I'm unironically suicidal

poortin can't afford an allout war

No one can. It's a proxy war. Putin is winning so far. Already returned Crimea to mother Russia. Hgkhp

>plenty of oil and gas
>some of the best farmland in Europe
>lots of industrial capacity and resources to feed it
>large manpower reserves
muh dollarinos aren't especially important if it came down to it

A world war would be a fertile opportunity to switch gears and start raiding the british/vatican/freemason crime syndicate..

I cant underline this enough
I would sit under her asshole and swallow her whole shit like it was kebab


Fuck off

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> Russia
kek… you misspelled CIA. But you know that.

Oh behave you

we never got a dirty bomb after 9/11. they could do one of those

2 more weeks. Trust me

She got so fat in all the worst places. That cellulite gotta be crazy nasty.

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Nigga u gay fr

The CIA needs the heat to cool down a little before the false flag.

That Taylor Swift? First time I thought she looked hot. Thicc thighs save lives

>he still believe nations are a thing in the NWO
There can't be wars when the same jews control the entire planet you dumdum. Beside wars against the people of course, like the (((vax))).

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I want to lick her thighs.

I spent the entirety of the 70s and 80s waiting for them to “do something,” then got fucking Rick-rolled in 1991.

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