Yea, and? What are you going to do about it, chuds?

Yea, and? What are you going to do about it, chuds?

Attached: FKWeviAX0AAVr3G.jpg (750x512, 24.64K)

Kill you
If you dont do it to yourself

We own all the truth-making equipment. Truth is whatever we say it is.

Wait until you make it 100,000,001. You will never be a woman

I'll call myself communism as I murder you.
Yes, and?

Ok, here's what I'm thinking OP. I'm going to build a full scale recreation of the Holocaust camps as described by the most ridiculous lying jews I can find. Fully equipped with electric floors, masturbation death machines, roller-coaster tycoon tier roller-coasters and that gun you shoot into the wall that curves the bullet into your face. Its all going to be there. We'll make these things non-lethal though, an airsoft gun instead of an actual gun for instance. The electric floor just tickles a little bit (have to take shoes off), etc.
I think you'd enjoy it. A good time for the whole family, especially grandma and grandpa. You'll have so much fun you'll wish the Holocaust had actually happened.

I'm going to sage this thread and report it for lack of quality.

>National socialism killed 100 million people
>Yes, and?

Attached: OZoWoaG5fqQ.jpg (240x231, 13.6K)

hitler killed the sixgorrilion and what are you gonna do? we are still fashist and still love him.

These dumb trannies don’t realize they’ll be thrown in the gulag too.

Nothing. The based depop planners are killing you. I can smell the vax you took from here.

You and that tweeter do not represent the modern communism movement. It's not our goal too antagonize others and create enemies. I suspect you're probably not even a communist, if you're in the discord server let others know when you're making a thread here.

continually oppose communism.

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based nazbol, never thought id say it

I've killed trillions of sperm.
Yes, and?

More communism please

>Guys, uh… maybe, uhh… Pinochet was right?

fpbp and jej

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>Lefties discovered the chad yes meme

It's over

We prohibited your vermin ideology in our country, destroyed your idols and beat the shit out of your activists, so they run to russia or its puppet states. Many of them ended up in a ditches somewhere in donbass. I think we did good for now.

Leave to a troon to not even have the good sense to pretend they care about human life. Commies don't care about workers, they don't care about the "proletariat", and for the most part they don't care about people at all.

What commies care about is "the cause", the pursuit of their great Utopia at all costs. It doesn't matter that its unrealistic and abstract, they're willing to pile up as many corpses as necessary to get there. Friends, family, neighbors, countrymen, a communist values none of these and will gleefully sacrifice them to the cause.

Why do you waste time arguing with mentally ill people like this on twitter? You think you will have a constructive discussion with a man who cut off his own dick?

>Communism killed 100 million people
communism killed 100 million COMMUNISTS*


Funny these trantards think communism will force people to accept them.

Real actual communists think homosexuality and gender LARPing are bourgeois excesses and generally are frowned upon - as in they throw those people in the gulag.

And it's still not as degenerate as encouraging someone to get bottom surgery.

"National Socialism killed a few million people"

Yes, and?