Daily reminder that all attempts to smear Hitler are jewish psyops...

Daily reminder that all attempts to smear Hitler are jewish psyops. Hitler was the embodiment of the European soul and the only reason he failed was because whites in the US, the UK and Soviet Union betrayed their race and sided with the jews.

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Adi is our earthly angel. Kiss kiss

He also did a lot of drugs, and believed in magic.

SIEG heil

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>smear Hitler
no such thing


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>Hitler was jewish
>Hitler was black
>Hitler was an atheist
>Hitler was a muslim
>Hitler was a womanizer
>Hitler was a homosexual
>Hitler was a transexual
>Hitler had a scat fetish
>Hitler had an incestuous relationship with his niece
>Hitler was a virgin
>Hitler was sexually impotent
>Hitler had a microdick
>Hitler only had one testicle
>Hitler had no testicles
>Hitler had autism
>Hitler had parkinsons disease
>Hitler had an Oedipus complex
>Hitler took female hormones
>Hitler had a fart problem
>Hitler injected himself with bull testicle extracts
>Hitler wanted to kill white people
>Hitler was a crack addict
>Hitler faked his way to an Iron Cross by stealing credit
>Hitler was a morphine addict
>Hitler was "high on heroin" throughout the war
>Hitler injected himself with semen

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Daily reminder the Anglo-Saxons were deceived by jews against our Germanic brothers..

And don’t forget what Churchill was…

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You forgot

>Hitler had syphilis

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>shitler thread get zero attention and get archived in 15 minutes

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True, I didn't believe it for years, but it's true.

International Jewry conspired againt him and fooled the other Europeans to do their dirty work for them.

The world leaders took the money they were given and sold their souls.

The truth will be more know as the years go by. Kike shills can say what they wish but it won't be forgotten.

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Hitler drank monster energy drink

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Next time the world Haralda.

Still butthurt that Germans historically made you look irrelevant. I dont understand this bitterness you have. Instead of crying and being envious of them why not try to make friends with Germans and learn a thing or two from them. There are worse enemies to be dealt with, like Americans for example.

Cope harder stormfaggot. The 1000 years reich barely lasted for 12 years lmao, fucking pathetic. Jews always win.

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Jews always "win" by letting their women get creampied by foreigners after we kill your fighting age males and then hatching your disgusting abominable race amidst our own naive men. Jewish wombs are your only strategy, that and making up clever bylaws that allow you to move money around all day and call it "work." Also you have the highest rates of inbreeding per capita globally along with all the negative traits a mixed race people would have. Your victory is Phyric at best. This entire system created by world Jewry is a junkies final binge before he inevitably overdoses. Next time there wont be anywhere to hide Schlomo incel.

>Jews always win.
Your temple is still a bunch of ruins.


fuck autocorrect on phones