Any Forums itself is subversion

You're being subverted here but not necessarily in the way you likely think. There are all types of government Intel people in here trying to sway you one way or the other, that is true, but it's small fries compared to the real deal.
The main thrust of most threads, the purpose behind them, isn't "demoralization" necessarily; it's subversion of your soul by turning you into a soldier for the Satanic destruction machine, unironically.

I remember Any Forums, I remember it all. Some force hijacked Any Forums a while ago, and used it as a testing ground for the formation of memetic cults, and to test the effects of blanket dehumanization. Long before Any Forums was a "muh white people" site, it was just a site where atypical freaks hung out and goofed off. Slowly, but surely, goofing off turned into swapping completely horrifying images of human beings around regularly (extreme porn, torture, gore), but combined with humor. The humor angle caused desensitization, by associating pleasure with human degradation. In the Any Forums days, anons saw nothing wrong with it.

Fast forward to Any Forums. They took whatever they got from this place early on and rolled it out to the general public via social medias. They learned how to create reliable isolated feedback loops online, which turn into memetically driven cults. Any Forums fashioned itself as a reaction against the spread of basically our own witty degeneracy into the masses, who we read as not being able to handle it. But now, with the exception of a few anons who still see thru shit, this board has become another full on memetic cult and is employed in the full spectrum dominance memetic warfare plan, whereby everyone is corralled into cults for ultimate divide and conquer so nothing ever gets away from the elites will. That's the straight up truth and you can cope or not Idc, but ya, this is the work of Satanists hell bent on subduing the species forever.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Transhumanism, whereby human beings are turned into cyborgs, is the ultimate dehumanization, it is a literal form of it: you become something other than human.
Most people would never accept this under even intense pressures, which is why this strategy has been employed against humanity. Under a state of constant distress caused by the worldview generated through memetic cult programming, thoroughly atomized as an individual, cut off from humanity writ large through a sub-atomic divide and conquer scheme of immense subdivisional proportions, humans who cannot see through things are much more willing to bend to the will of the elites, what's more, they are distracted and do not even really notice them or know of them.
Many of you here do know of them, but focus on the topics generated by your memetic conditioning instead. So the topic of conversation becomes peers and neighbors who are also in cults, albeit opposing cults, instead of building unity so that the situation can be dealt with. This makes the architect of the entire schemes will completely in unchallenged control of all of humanity at once, they will either fold to everything or put up a futile pithy effort to stop it, and fail.
But only because they are divided mentally through memetic conditioning cults. Most of what is generated here just feeds the furnace, I watched it happen in real time.

What this means is that the most unthinkable, reprehensible agendas can begin to be implemented, and the "strong" who are in cults will be eliminated in any true effort to stop it, or at the very least, rendered inert, and the weak will bend to it. Transhumanism is one of those agendas.


Why would anyone do this? Simple: because they worship Satan. Satan is more than an abstract deity. Satan is the negative force.
These people worship everything fear based and opposed to love: control, power, domination, humiliation, vengeance, narcissism and hedonistic self-indulgence.
The ultimate quest for these things ends in one vital point that you all need to realize: to subdue the Creator.

Whether or not you believe in any religion, whether or not youre an atheist or a skeptic, you did not create yourself or any of the things surrounding you in nature, and that fact remains regardless of your protest. God exists and you were created by him. His vision is for you to be wholly embraced by the positive force, to be happy, healthy, good natured and kind, and to be a steward to life. And so, this must occur. The negative force has been given free reign and complete control for the moment, because to get people to see the truth of love once and for all, you must also show them the absolute truth of fear and of hatred.
Point being, these people have allied themselves with negativity so that they may recreate humanity in their own image, as the ultimate expression of negativity and their God, Satan.

That is why all of this occurring and why it is so important to them. They want to prove that their will is unchallengeable, even in the face of God's.

good post, news bump

>Twitter goes global with downvote testing

>Brian Kendrick pulled from AEW debut over ‘abhorrent’ past comments

>Watch: Oil Production Ship Explodes Off Nigeria's Coast

>North Korea’s Kim calls Winter Olympics ‘great victory’ for China

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Every single headline is a part of the furnace. Twitter implementing a downvote system, gee, I wonder how that will be utilized.
Twitter is a cult. Every website is a cult.

If anything, Any Forums suggests eugenicist re-humanization and undoing the famage done by industrial society on the species

The transhumanist is the normalfag passively floating in modernity waiting to be flushed into the singularity by an external force like a piece of shit down the pipe.
And we're the log trying to clog it and climb out the pot, making an absolute mess in the kike's bathroom

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you're retarded, glowing, a faggot and a nigger
imagine getting demoralized by Any Forums
demoralization only splits the wheat from the chaff
NatSocs don't get demoralized, only more motivated to burn it all down

Stopped reading there. Kys christcuck

>main thrust of most threads

every social grouping other than family is a cult, if you want to break it down that far, and communists consider families a cult to be destroyed as well


The family is pure and comes from God because it has a biological impetus. But, the mind is meant to extend the idea of the family in a broader sense, writ large. We're supposed to take care of one anothers families, in a way that creates a sort of family of families.
But, I would say that the idea of memetic cults does go beyond the web, and has been going on for a long ass time. Rome was a cult. Imperial Japan was a cult. It's all cults. All negative force induced cults for divide and conquer.
But, the web is like the old cults on straight up unadulterated crack. It's potency and effectiveness far surpasses anything the country and empire memes ever did.

Yes, precisely. What is trolling?

We are at war indeed user, they came here to subvert us and to whitenoise any meaningfull discussion.

But the consequence of this subversion attempt is we unironically weaponized autism and they fear it so much the intensity increased We are al seekers of the truth here who hate their space being spammed to death.

We are at war user and giving in or giving up is not an option. And user the harder they fight the closer we are to winning.

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My friend, you are so close but are still in a cult, revealed within the last sentence. It does nothing, it is negative. Spread good things.

The damage of industrial society and all of that, there are aspects of Any Forums which I believe do not work in the interest of the cult program. As I said I think many anons are still here who see right through this shit. But, we are not in the majority and do not have a lions share of the zeitgeist of the board. The cult programmers do.

Pol calls out the fucked up shit that Jews do every single day and specifically names Jews and not some nebulous group like 'deep state', 'the 1%' etc. The only subversion that is done here is shills like you trying to steer people away from the simple truth that Jews hate humanity and do everything in their power to destroy it through their usury, control of currency, and unparalleled levels of nepotism once they weasel their way into any group. Get fucked cunt, this is the best place on the internet to find real information if you have more than 2 brain cells to rub together.

Yes and no. We aren't doing shit. God is.


Slide and sage.

Anyone who steps back with even a shred of intellectual conscience and awareness of basic psychology can look at this and tell me it's the result of an emotionally laden memetic programming cult. I don't even say that to be mean even though I know it will sound condescending no matter what. But, you say you are all autists, lets see if you can prove it. Can you be honest about this reply right here? Look at the emotions borne out within it, and how negative and full of anger they are. it's the result of programming whenever that happens, a spiritual weapon.