Your opinion on TRUMP

Personally, I see him as part of the NWO

Attached: Pepe Not Ready Tison.png (1920x2560, 641.4K)

fuck off and get the jab, opinion farming kike

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personally i see him as a fatass

He's probably one of the least nwo rich people there is, kind of like Elon musk but more about social issues than tech. The way the media went after him made it pretty clear a lot of elites don't like him

best president they had in a while
country is too lib though.

A true political outsider who was undermined by everyone around him

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Elon is 100% NWO, retard

did you do your 3 doses as trump wants?

Attached: Pepe Not Ready .png (1806x1973, 686.32K)

he tweeted and the shills believe it

Attached: pepe not ready shill tison (1).png (1333x999, 822.67K)

He likely love USA but he is also not as smart as he think and he is likely atleast slightly cowardly, He could go all in and save USA an instead he cucked

youre black

I believe he is much smarter than he shows.
enough to see how he was able to manipulate his fans to attack the capitol

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I think by claiming the election was rigged and then ceding power anyway, he proved himself to be either a liar or a traitor. You can take your pick but he is objectively one of those things. I don't see why anyone would ever vote for him again, boomers are fucking retarded.

NWO is inevitable. I like the NWO with Trump and Elon Musk because that's the one with the free markets and where everyone can contribute and get shit done. You know, do actual work and not say we work.


he has no interest in rigging the election because Trump is a member of the NWO and Democrats = Republican

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I agree, but you're a kike shill and your posts are so low quality you could even be a bot, show flag.

en réalité je parle pas un mot d'anglais, donc j'utilise google traduction. c'est pour ça que mes messages sont étranges

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Seems like this is just a gay post to show off your new memes. try stealth posting them on deviant art if youre looking for validation

no just that i like pepe

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vax pusher