Converted to Islam but life became lonely

Sorry for the blogpost but since converting to Islam i am beginning to feel more and more repulsed by all the non-Muslim people around me.

Women that i previously chatted to i avoid them now because i feel alien to them since their lifestyles (drink, party, boyfriends, fucking, netflix, weed, cars) are polar opposite to mine. Men the same. It's all banter about cars and sports and women which contains nothing of interest to me. I no longer go to the pub. I no longer go on nights out. I have zero friends. The only person my age i talk to is my ex-wife and this is for contact around the kids and to make arrangements. Her drinking and behaviour also repulses me and it scares me she may make my children that way too.

I do have a few Muslim bros who i communicate with and it makes me feel less alone but these guys have their own lives and families to spend time with.

More and more i am starting to hate where i live (80 percent white non-Muslim people and chavs) and want to live somewhere with more Muslim people there. There are no mosques in a short distance here, no halal meat shops, no Islamic shops etc. I have to travel around to get anything and some of you idiots claim "England has been taken over by Muslims!". There's not a mosque within 5 miles here.

My disgust for people is kind of hard to describe. I don't have any hatred towards these people or support terrorism or whatever, i can be pleasant with them and friendly with them in passing but i simply feel repulsed by the behaviour and lifestyles of non-Muslim people and want to avoid them.

The only people i have anything in common with around here are the old guys going to church every Sunday. I'll sometimes stop and chat with them about religion but nobody my age cares.

I'd love to get married but have no idea how you are even supposed to find a wife as a Muslim. Many born-Muslims don't even have wives and these guys are in their 40s.

Is this normal or what?

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>Sorry for the blogpost but since converting to Islam
you're marked for death unironically

A myth.
I am a true follower of the command and scriptures i am alone in the world and filled with blasphemers

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Kill yourself traitor

welp, once you rise above degeneracy its normal they repulse you.
personally didnt need a religion that expains to me how to wipe my ass, but whatever gets you there is a good thing.

for solitude: start discussing the coran.
there's alot to discuss and interpret.
i remember spending entire nights on theological discussions with some of my muslim fiends.

as for the women-
your mosks should have a meet-up program just for the occasion of meeting partners in order to marry.

but id like to bring your attention to the fact that your transcendence has barely begun.
youre still subject to your instinct of gregarity.
it is an animal part of your persona and you should learn it, to be able to exploit or ignore it.

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There's a reason why white converts are always the mentally unstable ones.
I suggest you move to UAE, Egypt, Malaysia or Turkey if you want to live like a Muslim.

Redpill whites online with this propaganda resource with thousands of news articles about crimes committed by non-whites in the UK

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You failed so hard at life that you gave yourself up for a teaching which' name translates into "Submission" and was spread by an inbred child fucker, only to make yourself believe that you're above others again after your narcissistic delusion started crumbling.

How I know that?
You're still here.

Sooner or later you'll notice Islam revolves around outward piety. The things you eat and wear are how righteous you are to others. It's why the most respected Islamic scholars get sidelined when someone else who dresses more conservative and tells them he fasts more and makes sure everyone knows how much more a believer he is them others etc.
What you're noticing is how fake it is. Jews do the same thing. Nothing outward saves your soul.
Luke 20:46-47
Mark 12:38-40

christianity is as much fake or even worse

rev 17:8 KJV
"The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is."

rev 17:8 VUL
"The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not ->alreadyat

Incel fell for the Islam meme, converts to foreign religion and rightfully gets shunned by everyone. Like all incels, he thinks the problem is them, not him.

Nice bait OP.

But, if someone in the same who isn’t larping is reading this, move to Afghanistan.

Islam and Muslims disgust me (peak slave morality), however, the Taliban are based and Redpilled and the only nation on earth that has totally defeated and rejected the The Great Satan (America) and the globohomo project.

Why be a Muslim if you’re just going to surround yourself with globohomo and it’s sins?

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>Is this normal or what?
Yeah religion definitely fills people with elitism and disdain for others. If you enjoy hating stuff then stick with it I'd say. I guess to find a wife just say how you hate everything on your dating profile and if any women talk to you just ask them what they hate, if you're lucky you'll find someone you can complain with and about for the rest of your life. Maybe try to find a meetup group for elitists filled with hatred, like a book club where they just read stuff they hate and then get together and complain about itydxmd

>Is this normal or what?
It is. You don't need to be a genius to realize that most people live degenerate lives today and it is good that you see it and recognize right from wrong. As for the loneliness, gain more knowledge about Islam, pray more and get more closer to Allah. You'll realize you never needed friends when your friend is the all-powerful.

>I have to travel around to get anything and some of you idiots claim "England has been taken over by Muslims!".
>There's not a mosque within 5 miles here.
Nice bait.

Nobody is shunning me. I talk to my family all the time and i have my children over a few days a week. It's me that wants to shun everyone else like if i take my children to school i'll be approached by some women parent that i used to talk to and they assume i'm the same as before so come over to start talking about all the usual stuff (they don't even know i'm Muslim) and then i'll try to avoid them because i feel uncomfortable and even disgusted around most non-Muslim people except for my family (who basically live like Muslims themselves especially my mother) it's the general public and living around non-Muslims all the time which is hard for me. I need to live in an area which has more of a Muslim population but i'm stuck here with the chavs.

>t golem

drag your britbong head out of your saggy britbong ass. The universe is a reflection of you, what you meet in everyday life is a reflection of your heart.

Are you failing or are you winning?

Don't be too strict but don't compromise either. The prophet still dealt kindly with the non muslims he was living with

Ok your problems have nothing to do with Islam.

>1. you don't relate with degenerate anglos.

I don't relate with most Canadians and never will relate to them, and it is exactly for the reasons you listed. Germans though I do respect because they drink only enough to get buzzed not to stumble and fall over themselves. They are also not stoners, hard workers, etc etc.

>2. Most people already have families and lives of their own

No fucking shit, it won't change if you move to a Muslim country

>3.Young people don't care about religio

You're right, they are too busy trying to afford a fucking life. Not sure if you noticed the hypercompetition

>3. I'd love to get married... But

Lmao, I don't know where this entitlement from men comes. There are more men around competing for women, it doesn't matter what religion or race they are from. World population rate is dropping so you are less likely to find a younger wife to marry.

>want to live somewhere with more Muslim people there.
I recommend Bradford.

>mourning the loss of satan's company
A trait conspincuously absent in followers of Christ

>I talk to my family all the time and i have my children over a few days a week
lol I can imagine how your ex is talking about you to her parents and her new lover.
"Ah yes, user now converted to Islam"
"He WHAT?"
"Yeah all this must have been really hard for him"

Put a bullet in your head christcuck

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I know but i was told to avoid (as much as is realistic in non-Muslim country) talking to women and mixing with them and mostly it is women that approach ME to chat so i'll just try to avoid them doing that in the first place by acting distant from them. Sometimes it is unavoidable like if one of them is asking for my son to come to their sons house after school to play or something. As for men, yes i am pleasant and nice with neighbours etc and not harsh with them but i find the constant seeing of their lifestyles and actions in my face all the time annoying. I want to talk to people of piety and men of religion rather than guys who just live to work and then get drunk on the weekend.

>christianity is as much fake or even worse
It is kind of strange that they just pick and choose what they like out of the bible and ignore the rest but then say they're following the word of God but then knowingly sin because they know they can just ask for forgiveness later whenever they feel like it. I'm pretty sure there aren't any other religions where people get to just reinterpret their holy book however they want

If I watch a DVR recording of last night's football match, and know what's happened, did I change the outcome? If I cheer extra hard is it going to be a blowout?

Well when it comes to women you should just keep a neutral tone and never have casual conversations beyond what is really necessary

With men, you could try reasoning with them I guess
Why don't you find Muslim men to spend time with?