/L4H/ #2 - Lift for Hitler

What are the political implications of lifting weights for Adolf Hitler?
ITT we answer this question and also give and receive advice about lifting from your fellow right wingers

Lifting will make you:
>bigger, more intimidating
>heavier without being fat (more difficult to push over)
>better looking, more attractive
>have better mental health

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Why would you lift for a Jewish man?

Yes Hitler, the insane, schizophrenic tweaker who might have stood a chance if his ego wasn’t his sole drive in life.

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go suck pootins dick you kike

Whatever happened to the Nazi exercise manual that Anons were translating?

Remember that commies are literally afraid of touching a dumbbell so the logical thing to do for any real mean is the opposite.
Also they say gym is fascist anyway so you might as well just come home, white man.

Hello, shills

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I don’t know but I have seen the waffen SS fitness challenge either on here or Any Forums, are your referring to this?

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It's floating somewhere, managed to DL it, but forgot where. I'll post if I find it

It also makes you….wait for it…. stronger, yes!
After all who wouldn’t want to be able to pick up an antifa faggot by his neck and throw him at the nearest wall?

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Go worship your Jewish leader somewhere else

Your tactics aren’t working, mine are because you would never say that to my face irl you filthy jew
>Hitler was a jew
>Hitler was a Rothschild
>Hitler was a freemason
>Hitler hated icecream
>Hitler always double parked his Volkswagen in front of a fire hydrant.
>Hitler never returned his library books on time
>Hiter ate his pizza crust first
>Hitler had one ball
>Hitler had no balls
>Hitler had three balls
>Hitler was addicted to meth
>Hitler farted constantly
>Hitler drank milk from the carton until only a tiny amount was left, and then he would put it back in the fridge and not add it to the shopping list
>Hitler would use the "12 itmes or less" aisle at Reichmart despite having more than 12 items
>Hitler cancelled the Me-262 program because it was too noisy and it firghtened his dog Blondie
>Hitler would always wait until it was his round at the pub before leaving
>Hitler was an incel
>Hitler was gay
>Hitler was trans
>Hitler participated in occult sex orgies
>During military planning sessions, Hitler insisted on crumpling paper into balls and "shooting hoops" into the wastebasket, shouting "BOOYAH" every time he got one in, this distracted his generals from their strategy and cost him the war.

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>Hello, shills

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Pretty sure I don’t look like your meme my dear JIDF officer
>inb4 cope

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I'd break your chud face

They are already here and they will call you a schizo for pointing this out

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No you wouldn’t because this is what you look like and this is what I look like

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o kurwa, dziwnie wyglądasz mordzia, masz małe barki ,ale zajebistą klatę, spoko plecy ale brak brzucha ,nogi git, pozdro 600 bracie

I picked up the dumbbells again a few days ago. Feels good, but waking up sore sucks. Going to try to keep at it. Really want to build my pecs, the rest looks fine but my chest looks weak.

Teach us some relevant Polish.
Common sayings among patriotic men.
Stuff like Sieg Heil, Gott Mit Uns, etc.