Why do blacks get put on the news or praised by social media for doing the most basic things? Genuine question. People build igloos with multiple rooms every single day some even do it to survive. But this black guy in Ohio where making shit out of snow is very common builds a mediocre igloo and the local news wants to report it and the YouTube comments just eat it up. I really don’t understand why people are making him seem like some sort of genius for doing something people outside his race have been doing for thousands of years.

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We wuz eskimos an sheeiiit

you should rather ask yourself why, you as a whitey, didn't make any igloo

because I have a house

That thing will collapse within 24 hours

so does this black man, He just proved he can do better than whiteys

Whites build igloos all the time… I don’t see your point

iggy niggy

Sweet a nigloo

Why is there literally always someone larping as a nigger in these threads? What kind of elsa tranny shit kicks do you get out of being hated by everyone and bumping retarded threads?

>Igloo invasion

1 minute into the report and you see who really designed, iterated and tested the snow dwelling. Pro tip: it wasn't the nigger.

Also...the nigger's cousin is the reporter. Hmkay Tyrone?

Attention, because he doesn’t get it from anyone irl

Niggers are so retarded that even normies were in shock and awe that they manage to accomplish rudimentary tasks.

you just jelly you didn't make any igloo, and your story didn't make it to the news. I bet you feel really stupid now

The news has to be racist and trolling this guy. This can’t be real.

Protip if you want to build an ingloo really fast with your friends get some storage bins and pack the snow in to make bricks. Just pack in more snow between the bricks to give it the curve.

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The cousin reporter is like I’m so proud of him at the end LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOO. This is literally something you’d say to an 8 year old building an igloo in the snow.

So jealous that a nigger made what looks like a mud hut made out of snow

I don’t even blame the guy. Seems like a nice guy. How is this fucking news???

Yeh the other guy is right. Even though what you wrote is really basic, you spell too well to be a nigger.

>Black teen builds new computer
I mean when you're one SD below average the bar isn't that high.

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The reporter literally said he was setting a new standard for building igloos KEK

I'm not the one wrong here

>Fox Cleveland
Because there is fuck all to report about in Cleveland I guess, so they decided to pad it out by a quaint little story about a nigga building and igloo
All in all news channels were a mistake