Going down on my boyfriend

>going down on my boyfriend
>there's poo flakes under his balls

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kys faggot

That’s what you get for being a tranny faggot

Clean it up tranny

Tell him to shave his nuts

>tranny faggot fucked over by porn

rope is your only solution.

The day of the rake can't come soon enough.

It's what you deserve leaf

Read my mind. Stay based sir.

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Post time stamped tiddies. Then we can discuss the poo balls further.

Yucky, tell him he needs to lift his balls when he wipes.

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Wait, do you wipe towards your balls?

I thought you faggots loved shit lmao

Tits or gtfo then we can talk

Because I am a man and have a taint and not a pussy right next to my hole, and the motion is much more natural. I'd rather have a smatter of poo on my taint than have it poking out the top of my ass cheeks.

>not cleaning your balls in the sink after every poo

That's retarded. Get a bidet you fat fuck.

>I'd rather have a smatter of poo on my taint than have it poking out the top of my ass cheeks.
I love how Americans are such fowl pig creatures they don’t even see being clean and not having shit outside of their intestines as an option