Be Japs

>be Japs
>try to create “asian” ethnostate but you’re really just killing everyone who isn’t a nip
>lose some cool flags oh, and the war
>bitch about it for 75 years and convince everyone thinks you’re the victim
>post stories about how you’re a victim of “colonization”
God I hate Japs so much

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Ok Lee, I'm sorry your feeling was hurt.

Hentai and japaneses schoolgirl porn ruined me


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Imperial Japan needs to come back to dab on Koreans and Chinese

how kiked can you be, Hans
kill yourself

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They were colonized and occupied by the U.S. after WW2, especially Germany. It sucks man, I don't like it either. Good for them for bringing their flags back.

we were better colonizers than the nipps.

we teach you lound eye turip nigger a resson with emperor secret reapon

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Don't try to force being regretful about the 2nd world war, it won't make the ''''winners'''' like you any better. You are superior, and so are they, it took the whole world to stop your forefathers. The americans were opportunists, no better than jew or anglo. Their time is coming to an end. And a whole bunch of interests are pre-empting this; the globalist driven covid-19 bullshit being the most obvious. China is a (purposefully) self-induced problem, by the Americans. Don't be distracted.

After seeing how South Korea turned into an occult shadow state complete with corporations that chain workers to machines and lock children inside of sinking ships I think Japan was right about Koreans. They're not human, they're some kind of outgroup like niggers.

>in case you ever forget the influence this place has over reality

Any pics of the flags?

Things sometimes are not as they seem, like say US and Japan relationship... not at all!

You guys were bitches and betrayed japan to suck american dick and join the ABCD blockade. Also your empire was like a drop compared to 1942 japanese empire. Also none of your former colonies even act like you were culturally ever there because of your type of colonization. More people speak English in your former colonies than dutch.

Meanwhile all of Japans former colonies have japanese schools because it is required for international business in east asia. Even in china.

That is the most amerishit thing I’ve ever read, are you that lonely and desperate for pussy that you jack off to hentai all day wishing that the nips had won WWII so you could have the chance for a female jap police officer step on your throat? Fucking stupid American they don’t like white men

Sorry Kim but Japan played their cards right.
They created a lot of cool stuff that made them very liked abroad and now everyone will take their side regardless of what they did or didn't do.
Maybe if you stopped whining and made something cool like anime you could enjoy favor among western losers as well.

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A video of a Marine who took a flag off of a dead Jap soldier on Saipan in 1944 returning it to dead soldiers little brother and sister 73 years later.


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>be retard
>don't know what an ethnostate is
how far has your country fallen

I never said that. I'm saying the U.S. should leave these places. Aren't you tired of being occupied by our troops?