Who Really Killed JFK?

Was it Russia? Was it Castro? Was it the CIA? Was it the mob? Was it his VP Johhnson? Was it Israel? Was it black civil rights groups? Who stood to gain the most from his death?

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He faked his death and never died.
Everything you stand for is a lie.

How did he fake his head being split open?

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>VP Johhnson

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Don't want to derail the thread, but it looks like a thread with a relatively low bot count for now. There is some seriously weird shit going on here and on Twitter rn. On here all topics are pretty much slide threads. Most of the ottawa stuff is gone. They’ve buried what just happened in London. Same thing on Twitter. Not only that but there is interstellar levels of deboosting, shadow bans and even quarantining being enacted internet-wide. Not even sure if anyone will even see this post. Looks like they are scared and flipped a switch. I hope someone is seeing this.
This is an informational message. Godspeed.

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The CIA/FBI are the only ones who would have the knowledge of the limo routes, ability to get close enough with guns and ability to cover their tracks then create an official narrative to cover up the truth.

The only question is what was the reason. Was it because he wanted to reign in the military-industrial complex? Was it because he wanted to reign in the banks? Was it because he wanted the phony empire building wars to stop? etc.

Probably the real reason is everything at once. He just pissed off everyone and they got rid of him.

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What does this have to do with anything?

Jackie shoots him under the chin
She hated him

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No, that's real, but his head just did that shit from time to time.

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Take your meds.

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All I know is he said NO to operation northwoods a few weeks previous

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the whole JFK assassination was possibly just a misunderstanding because it wasnt made "sufficiently clear that assassination should be excluded from consideration". Page 18

Russia says Johnson killed Kennedy, Page 5

30 pages missing

Tippett meant to kill Kennedy and be killed afterwards, Page 3

Tippett together with Rubenstein and possibly Oswald, Page 2

Multiple shooters and bullets


Cuban exiles apparently planned on killing cuban government officials

Talks about "black bag jobs" against domestic targets and "do not file" procedure. Page 6

appearently some George Bush that wasnt at the CIA handled some of the JFK files

Bush was friends with Morenschildt, a friend of Oswald

Bunker hunt, this guy
was questioned on the day of the assassination and 15 minutes away when Robert Kennedy

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It was either protestants or the CIA. Maybe both.

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US government, JFK started talking about throwing the illegal secret societies under the bus and told the Operation Northwoods people to fuck off

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he made quite a few powerful enemies
>wanted to destroy the CIA
>basically robbed the FED off its power with executive order 11110 enabling the US to issue its own money, even got a few billion into circulation, but was then lone gunmaned, money was drawn out of circulation and noone spoke of EO11110 anymore until it got indirectly abolished through another EO ~25 years later
>wanting to check if israel secretly has nukes
>railed against secret societies

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His father had too many enemies

it happened a year after Cuba crisis
when his general and 3-letter agencies were telling him to invade Cuba, conduct false flag operations (Operation Northwoods)
he didn't listen
he made a deal with USSR, moved the missiles from Europe, USSR moved its from Cuba
he learned that you can trust USSR and learned to trust less his own people
perhaps he wanted to do some restructuring
and paid the price

Does that mean even if it's the Arabs? I'd not be surprised if that's what it meant. The Arabs did x, you failed to stop them. We're holding you accountable.

JFK was killed by a conspiracy involving LBJ. The fingerprint at the scene clinches the assassin at the depository, and it's not Oswald, it's Johnson's Wallace.

How a conspiracy could be covered up here:
>Johnson (to Warren commission): It seems that Oswald was a part of a conspiracy involving Cuba and the USSR. Do you folks want to reveal this and risk WWIII?
>Warren: Heck no.
>Johnson: Well then, Oswald acted alone, that’s your conclusion.
This cover-up is pretty transparent, and rather lame, and the American public saw through it within a decade. The conspiracy in this case was pretty large, as conspiracies go. It involved at least a dozen people, and more who had a clue about it.

The reason Americans got to know this is through percolation of knowledge, some media events, and a 1978 Congressional reinvestigation that concluded that JFK was assassinated in a conspiracy.

To know more, there is a wonderful relatively recent discovery, from an unexpected place. Two top CIA folks were identified in Robert Kennedy’s assasination! These folks had no reason to be there at all, in that hotel.

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It was mossad. Fuck you (((user)))

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mossad aren't that smart

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The Bush family ordered the assassination.
Lee Harvey Oswald didnt do it, he was just a patsy.

LBJ, via the CIA, and it is in no way whatsoever a mystery. The evidence is overwhelming.
I will never understand how so many "people" ignore the evidence before their own eyes, unwilling to contradict the rulers' narratives, as if nothing is true unless announced on the nightly news. With not just this, but with everything. It blows my mind.

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It was Canada. we will do it again.

Who cares? He was the most incompetent president in history. He was worse than Donald Trump. People danced on the streets when they heard of his death. Whoever shot him saved the nation.

JFK was about to send UN inspectors to a certain Israeli site. Sadly he never got to sign that order

Holy gee willikers. Obama cracked it, folks!

Thanks whoever did it.
JFK was the biggest nigger loving President we had which is why the (((media))) never says a bad thing about him. Unfortunately, LBJ carried his legacy on.

And that EO didnt rob the Fed of their powers JFK was giving the fed MORE power as they wished, that lie continues to spread because nobody reads the fucking EO

You guys are just idiots.