Some atheists claim that Jesus never even existed, which means that the Apostles would have had to claim in Judea...

Some atheists claim that Jesus never even existed, which means that the Apostles would have had to claim in Judea, in Nazareth too and elsewhere that this great man named Jesus was the son of God whom NO ONE ELSE saw except these few men and he did these miracles and then they would have to convince people to worship this man in this story and the Apostles got killed for this prank. The New Testament of course tells that people saw Jesus and what he did and that's why there were already thousands of Christians before the Acts happened and that's why the Jews killed Christians because they felt like this Jesus guy had led them away from Judaism

Attached: 800px-Jean-Léon_Gérôme_-_The_Christian_Martyrs'_Last_Prayer_-_Walters_37113.jpg (800x467, 117.55K)

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There isn't even one painting, sculpture, or piece of writing dedicated to the depiction of "jesus christ" that was created during the time when was supposedly walking the earth. The earliest work that mentions him is the new testament and that was created decades and centuries after his supposed death. If he was really doing all these amazing miracles and had this huge following then there would be evidence to show this, which there isn't.

Not centuries and one reason sources outside the Bible don't exist that much is because God wants us to believe in Jesus through FAITH. Is it faith if there are just dozens of writings of Jesus and his miracles outside of the Bible?

The opposite is true. The people who claim Jesus existed have only a single book notorious for its anachronism and fallibility. Half of the new testament was supposedly written by a known grifter, the synoptic texts were ghostwritten and there and hundreds of contradictions

It's called "damnatio memoriae". It's just one of the many tools that the Romans used to try and eradicate the Christian menace.

jesus Christ is realisation of self recognizing god, & accepting that responsibility.

>Hasn't read Joe Smith.
Jesus visited Mexico, dude.

>Is it faith if there are just dozens of writings of Jesus and his miracles outside of the Bible?
It's faith when a bum tries to sell you the Brooklyn Bridge and you fork over 10% of your earning for the rest of your life without seeing any proof he owned it.

Attached: Joel Olsteen lying to christians.jpg (330x500, 48.76K)

>terrorists blow themselves up for Allah, that must mean their religion is true
You're a retard.

Waiting 50 years is literally ensuring anyone who lived in those places at that time who could potentially called bullshit on Saul would have already died off. It's what Ronald Kessler used to do all the time to ensure a best-seller, wait until all the witnesses are dead then write a book filled with lies.

Scientific evidence he rose from the dead.

Also, there is next to no evidence of him after his resurrection. As the story goes, he 'raised from the dead' for 3 days and only presented himself to few of his disciples in private. Why? If he had a massive following, would this not be the pinnacle of the story? his time resurrected proving to the masses and towns people that he was in fact real and can come back from the dead before 'ascending' to heaven ?

It doesnt make sense that there is a massive hole in the story after his supposed resurrection. Thousands of people would of gathered immediately and would scavenge to witness this moment, but it never happened. Which is another reason why I think Jesus didnt exist.

>The earliest work that mentions him is the new testament and that was created decades and centuries after his supposed death.

You know how retarded of a standard this is for anyone versed in history? The fact is there is more substantiation for Jesus than other historical figures whose existence you never sperged about.

But rather than writing paragraphs detailing how retarded you arehete is a video

The circus must have been fucking great to watch...

Gross. The shroud of Turin is a massive hoax and fabrication. Its not real.

>The laws of physics were suspended
>That's what the guy said on this TikTok video
It's rare to see someone who knows absolutely zero about science AND absolutely zero about the abrahamic , then credits social media for his education.

By this same logic, Alexander the Great never existed either.

I see its 825am in isreal. Good morning shills.

Mutt cope

We will know that the Truth is in Christ when we obey His words.

John 14:19 “In a little while the world will see Me no longer, but you will see Me. Because I live, you will live too.
John 14:20 In that day you will know that I am in My Father, you are in Me, and I am in you.
John 14:21 The one who has My commands and keeps them is the one who loves Me. And the one who loves Me will be loved by My Father. I also will love him and will reveal Myself to him.”

There will be no saving faith without obedience.

When he rose to heaven, thousands of people saw it

>centuries AND decades
Luke and John were both written after the first century. Nearly two centuries after Jesus is claimed to have died. We have scraps of evidence and some partial remains of the book of Matthew that are likely from 80~90 AD but nothing complete.

The faith shit is literal cope.

>If he had a massive following
That massive following didn't happen until people spread rumors that some random Jewish faith healer rose from the dead. People were gullible retards back then. These are the same people who thought dust devils were literally dust devils.