The kikes are even cancelling their own for not supporting jewish supremacy and apartheid

>Last summer, Jessie Sander had been on the job at a Jewish school in Westchester County for less than a month when a meeting with her boss took an unexpected turn. Was she comfortable working at a Zionist institution? he asked.

>Her boss, Rabbi David E. Levy of Westchester Reform Temple in Scarsdale, N.Y., had come across a recent blog post she had written that renounced Zionism and sharply criticized Israel, Ms. Sander, 26, said in a lawsuit filed on Jan. 25. The rabbi had questions: Did she support Hamas? When she called herself “anti-Zionist,” what did that mean?

>Ms. Sander, who is Jewish, explained her beliefs to the rabbi and said she would not discuss politics in her classes. The rabbi said he agreed with much of what she said and later praised her as a good role model for their students, Ms. Sander said.

>Then, one week later, Rabbi Levy and Eli Kornreich, the temple’s executive director, fired her.

>When she asked why, Mr. Kornreich said “it’s just not a good fit,” she recalled. “In the earlier meeting, I was like, ‘Wow, here’s a manager who gets it and says, ‘No one should fire you for your political beliefs,’ then at the next meeting it was, ‘Oh, except for me.’”

Attached: Jewish teacher fired.png (1536x1521, 728.84K)

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She looks too goyish

Leftists at my uni are trying to cancel a professor (get the professor fired) for supporting Israel.


Not my problem

That's because she's fucking fat as fuck.

How do we support this?

You can't criticize heebs what did she expect?

Attached: malcomxjew.png (800x400, 223.96K)

Yeah that's like the one big issue that makes goyish lefties a minor thorn in the side of kikes, so they'll occasionally complain about "the problem of left-wing anti-semitism" (which just means being consistent about commie faggot ideology, and not selectively saying "oh, yeah, but, uh, Jews get to have a right-wing ethnostate and slaughter their enemies, that's different"

A so-called "Joo" that tattoos herself?

She never should have been hired at a synagogue in the first place.

Joos are forbidden from tattooing their bodies. You get a tattoo, you're not a Joo.

You either live by The Law of Moses, or you go become a Palestinian Semite or a Fucking Samaritan.

You're late to the party leaf. Who is Norman Finkelstein?

This is at a synagogue. It's weird for a so-called "religion" to be so intertwined with apartheid and crimes against humanity.

Good point.

sounds like proof that the holohoax grifters aren't even jewish

Attached: 1643912530314.jpg (661x900, 91.66K)

thats based tho fuck israel and fuck jews

Not surprising considering majority of jews are not (((jews))). When you are able to tell the difference you begin to understand the significance. Any Forums isn't capable of doing so because it likes to ride the carousel of division bait. This is why zoomie fucktards fail at everything. Despite swallowing the red pills they aren't capable of uniting to defeat their common enemy.

It's a tragedy.

Only if you're an idiot. Think for a moment.

Straight historians say that the Holocaust was committed by Nazis. Straight historians say that the Nazis forcibly tattooed the inmates.

Do the NAZIS have any religious beliefs, then or now, that would prohibit them from tattooing Jews?

>your infographic
Assuming your figures are real, this can just as easily be accounted for by different authors disagreeing on how many Jews survived the Holocaust or on what constitutes a Holocaust survivor.

Let's take a look at your first source.
>There are about 100,000 Jews who were in camps, ghettos and in hiding under Nazi occupation who are still alive today, according to the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany, one of the few international organizations that tracks that type of data. The group, which negotiates with Germany’s government for payments to Holocaust victims and provides social services for survivors, said there were about 500,000 living survivors, including those who fled Nazi Germany, in 2014.

By this organization's definition, Albert Einstein is a Holocaust survivor: he fled. At the same time, he obviously wasn't in a camp, a ghetto, or in hiding under Nazi occupation. He was busy helping the Amerifats build Fat Boy while the Undine King was telling the Germans they couldn't build nukebombs because math was suspiciously semitic. The fact that Time's headline guy picked a headline that doesn't match the story's definition just shows us once more that headline authors are shitheads.

Your second source says "living in Israel". Some Jews hate ethnostates; why would they move to Israel?

Your third source says:
>Today, 400,000 Jews who survived or fled the Nazis and their collaborators are alive, reckons the Claims Conference, a body that sends them €480m ($564m) a year in compensation,

Again, this is both 'survived in Germany' and 'fled'. And the number is smaller than the number in 2016...

Attached: hero_nuclear_blast.jpg (2048x820, 142.12K)

Israel did nothing wrong

all jews are jews and those supposed non jewish jews that exist in your head would only be around 2%

D'uh. All tribes punish members who forget who they should be loyal towards. That's how the game works. Only stupid fucking retard whites do that whole altruism thing. The fucking darkies stay together, the kikes stick together, the mormons stick together, the fucking mexicans stick together... But nooooo, the fucking eurofuckers have to be different.

The sign is a subtle joke. The shop is called "Sneed's Feed & Seed", where "feed" and "seed" both end in the sound "-eed", thus rhyming with the name of the owner, Sneed. The sign says that the shop was "Formerly Chuck's", implying that the two words beginning with "F" and "S" would have ended with "-uck", rhyming with "Chuck". So, when Chuck owned the shop, it would have been called "Chuck's Feeduck and Seeduck".

Malcolm x was a handsome and suave dude. Clearly had a little something something between the ears, too. No wonder he was killed. He could have united the whites and the blacks wasn't he in favor of segregation, too? I think I read that, somewhere. That wouldn't have been good for the jews.

There's two Jews
Pro Israel
Anti Israel

There are good Jews out there

Going to need some proof here.