What fascinates me about twerking is how several years ago it would have been the most taboo thing ever

What fascinates me about twerking is how several years ago it would have been the most taboo thing ever.

Young girls are dancing to rap music with the most raunchy, inappropriate lyrics imaginable. They shake their asses extra hard to the word "nigga" and they get extra excited by the most aggressive, gangster negrobabble rapping.

If a white boy where to approach white girl with words like that, she would instantly accuse him of sexual harrassment.

However, the RHYTHM of rap music has such a powerful hypnotizing effect on white girls, it gives them true sexual liberation to advertise to the preferred mate in a very natural, feminine yet Africanized way.

It is a behavior unheard of in white civilization.

The influence of de-segregation has brought twerking mainstream in a very short amount of time.

Some white girls become so good at twerking too, they've taken it to a professional, choreographed level. They become better at it than black girls. You take the fine, pristine European intelligence & skill, the attention to detail and refinement that is natural to whites and then you marry to such a distant, far away primitive African behavior where women can act lascivious and free, which brings an aggressive sexual response from African males while white males are left completely in the dust. We are witnessing true female liberation folks. This is truly the influence of de-segregation.

Its like the KKK were onto something.

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I hope you had that pre-written because I can't imagine how long it would have taken to type with your dick in your hand masturbating to bbc cuck porn in the background

Group psychosis is real. The enemy is using it to demoralize us so kids grow up with a masculine mom and no dad. Results vary.

Globohomo is good for jews.

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That's what you christcucks get for shaming men for looking at ankles. Fucking retards. Christianity: being gay is a sin, we are gay and we repent, now let us show men how to treat women. BRILLIANT!

tldr: OP is fascinated by twerking

But you don't care, because you would've done something if you did.

No, dude. Someone thought it was brilliant to reduce black women to ASS and black men to DICK. This is a blatant theme in mainstream media. They thought it was sooo funny to do that, to make black culture nothing but sexuality. They were virgin retards who didn't realize

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>several years ago

dude i remember PA announcements in middle school (2006) telling kids not to twerk at the school dance.

Black men = DICK
Black women = ASS

Believe it or not, the people who did this hate blacks and were trying to reduce them to nothing but their dick and ass. All it did was made them associated with sex. Retards all day

Speak for yourself neckbeard.

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all of those women fuck White men

>twerking is
several thousands of year of africa

I wonder who put in their head that sort of dancing
Those girls are some cuties...

Where are their fathers in all of this?

Look I could be wrong but I could have sworn twerking was a thing like 10 years ago. It wasn't that quick of an escalation and even then nigger culture was being marketed to white girls since at least the mid 2000s probably earlier, that was just when I was beginning puberty and started noticing. Every dance at the time had whatever the common rap music was on play, and rap was generally the default. It's more of the white thot pop music and simp singing about his girl music that became more common these days while twerking and things like that still permeated into what was otherwise degenerate but white (see: jewish) culture.

those girls all look like they're in their 20s

All those women are MARRIED to white men. We all know they have boyfriends of a different complexion. I don't even have to say it. You cannot work in that profession and have a health relationship.

You can't handle the truth but that's fine. It's the wigger chads that get the MOST white pussy with tyrone coming in second with informal.

What else are they but play toys for Stacy and Melanie? A tall fit black person can age til 40 and still aim for the early 20s if they remain healthy. The best looking of them maybe 50s with proper care.

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