How dark were the Middle Ages if Europe could build churches like this?

How dark were the Middle Ages if Europe could build churches like this?

Attached: Reims-Cathedral-France.jpg (1172x1600, 345.43K)

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They killed 200 million Europeans.

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Dark is a bad descriptor. Historians who use that verbiage are haters.

What are you talking about?

Not very dark. People just call it the Dark Ages because people view time as progressive and linear, Oswald Spengler criticises the shit out of this fact, they think that if Rome didn't collapse we'd be in some technological utopia right now instead of some politically despotic shithole. There's also probably a twinge of Jewish meddling to say that Christians are responsible for the decline of Western Civilisation.

'Dark' ages is mostly referring to how much more poorly recorded it was compared to the ages preceding and following it. Not to do with how good or bad it was to live through.

They weren’t. The Middle Ages were based. Plagues just suck. Then the renaissance came and everything got super gay.

They're only dark from the perspective of the enlightenment. In reality Faith is what creates such beauty.

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they weren't. coining the terms "middle ages" and "dark age" was a way of the enlightenment movement, the root of most of our problems today, to paint themselves and their worldview as superior.

Civilizations rise and invitably stagnate as US is doing now. Rome stagnated just as the great Mayan civilation did. Regulations become too entrenched and regulations keep building and elites all become legacy elites. That is how it is.

The term Dark Age is gay and Europe needs more churches. Unfortunately the kikes will burn them like Notre Dam.

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The so-called dark age predates that building by 600 years, you alcoholic insomniac pasty chink rape baby.

Read, “How the Catholic Church built the Western World”. Middle Ages were based. Don’t believe the cucks who tell you otherwise.

I’ll go ahead and call it the feudal age. Despite the over romantic feelings that autistic christcucks have for the authoritarianism. For 99 percent of people, it sucked, sucked royal ass.

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The kabbalist refer to it as the dark ages while the christian were establishing the first universities.

How Dark Were the Dark Ages?

Every third world shithole led by big nosed crypto-africans wastes almost all its resources building nonsense for negroid worship. Castles, mosques, churches, …

It isn’t dark from the perspective of the negroids.

Only kike femoids were accused of being witches and killed. Total deaths are just 20 thousand in all of Europe in rhe span of half a millenium.

He basically jerks off medieval architecture for half the book and laments that it's no longer going to be so good after men invented the printing press so now they can write their histories in words rather than stone.

The dark ages are not the middle ages but the time of the mass migration in Europe just after the fall of Rome. The Notre dame cathedral is a gothic style building, which is a style found at the very end of the middle ages.

Educate yourself before asking, user.

Only nibba in this thread that knows what he’s talking about.
Dark Ages: ~479-1100ish
Middle Ages: 1100ish to like 1492

This. The greatest example of politically driven revisionist history becoming mainstream.

Victor Hugo's Notre Dame de Paris

Some “based and redpilled” fellow goyim.

No, it didnt. Peasants barely worked 150 days a year, six hours a day, ate real food, had huge families and lived in homes better than the cardboard shit we have today. It was the golden age so jews call it dark, the light of "enlightenment" is lucifers, restore the monarchy.

In French middle ages refers to the fall of Rome to the renaissance.
Haut moyen-âge et bas moyen-âge.

But it's retarded to call such a long period with one name.

Serfs. Serfs. Serfs.

Dark Ages simply means that Europeans were able to freely develop their own civilization without being entirely subverted by the Jews.

umm kinda dark i think literacy was in the single digits during that time ....

Serfdom is one hell of a civilization builder

Thank a Mason

B i n g o-B i n g o, bingo was his name oh.

They weren't Dark as in the sense of bad. Its dark as in gothic. Trying to depict the Middle Ages as bad is one of the Jews tricks. Don't fall for it. The Jews were just mad they got kicked out of these types of societies, almost 99% of the time.

Look at the top and realize they’ve already destroyed what used to be glorious towers on the top. Dark ages were supposedly 1000 years where nothing progressed and everything was bad but in reality that means the exact opposite
>millennial reign of Christ and the age of light

The giant nose on the entire elite of Europe says otherwise.

It only began to have a real boom when other ways to parasite goyim were embraced (artisan workshops, navigations, …).


>do you have eyes that see?

Would you rather work all day in a field or in the service of your Liege or wageslave for nothing but material pleasures, repeating the cycle?

right, imagine the engineering they could put into torture machines when they are able to craft cathedrals like that.

This is true, but unlike those states, the decline of the US has been forced before its time by an elite that is hostile to the nation it governs.