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first for based australien poster

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Not the real Cata btw.


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Kek'd. Traveling to Europe is cucking.

> you've yet to provide a solid argument for that without resorting to emotional bitch tears response.
You are dishonoring and debasing yourself both yourself, your woman and eroding what is socially accepted resulting in more + more pozz by normalizing penetrative acts on men. I really can hardly come up with anything worse than this. I would not want my family to see me as someone who practices this kind of stuff, thus I would never engage it. Simple as.

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>mfw caca bases his arguments on social acceptance

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Yes, it is necessary to protect the socialization of your in-group. A large part of why conservatives are failing so hard is because they have this silly idea that they do not want to wield social power, this live and let live / what other people do is not my stuff thing. They find that it is not their metier. So the left takes it time and time again. Decades forward and here we are.

The conservatives are a psyops to kind of make foreigners think there is an alternative to the feminism and the leftism. There isn't, everyone is going to have to do it, because it will absolutely destroy and ruin minorities - who naturally sell themselves into slavery.

They are not, they are grifters (Styxx hexxenhammer, Molyneux, Tim Pool etc.) who are on the side of who gets them more votes. Some people among them are psy-oppers but against whites. Like Tucker Carlson.

Conservatives are for white Americans only. Everyone else is genetically prone to excessive greed that they will always tie their own noose.

>Yes, it is necessary to protect the socialization of your in-group.
What in-group, caca? The family you left behind? Or the one you don't have here? Refugee welcomes in general?

"White Americans" literally did that, those of Anglo descent in particular. They tied the noose of the middle class and lower class and sold them out for financial and later electoral gains.

> The family you left behind
I did leave nobody behind. My siblings will all move here starting next school year. In-group is people who look similar to me and think similar like myself. For now this is still fairly hard to define as with all political fractions atm but I am sure it will crystallize out more and more in the future.

Collateral damage. Minorities don't have the same work ethic as whites to sustain any form of economy, or food. They will absolutely end-off genociding themselves, but are just being used as literal slaves atm. No minority ever truly wants to live as a white person, which lifestyle is the key to preservation, this is obvious in AIDs patients for example. Once Latins become feminists and absorb the propaganda, they will fall quicker than they rose in the US, and the US will pull-through on top as majority white, traditional Christians (non-Catholics).

Asians have far, far better work ethic than white Americans, come on lol. And there are virtually endless of them.
> US will pull-through on top as majority white
It already is not the case anymore. The US is already minority white.

REEEEEEEEEE. fucking refugee welcomes. YOU NEED TO GO BACK.
>In-group is people who look similar to me and think similar like myself.
Ahh, of course, of course. Now I get it. Und da beisst sich der Hund in den Schwanz. You're such a god damn narcissistic fucking moron. Absolutely hilarious.

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Literally the most normal thing since ... basically ever?

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He gets it

No, you're just a fucking brainlet. Squared. And far too stuck up your own arse to even notice. Kind of gay, if you ask me.

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