What's Any Forums's opinion about this Jew?

Personally I think that he knows where to toe the line but is also ballsy enough to document what he can like this article: wearechange.org/the-dancing-israelis-fbi-docs-shed-light-on-apparent-mossad-foreknowledge-of-9-11-attacks/

At the same time, he is a Jew and there are people who have a lot of kvetching about him and his organization: subvertednation.net/we-are-change-freemasons-and-jews/

Attached: lukerudkowski.jpg (555x576, 37.92K)

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He bailed on Dim Fool's live show to shitpost about John Goldman in the chat with the rest of us. Between that and his very well trained dog, he can't be too bad.

He can't get close to big name people easily anymore, though.

He's the best part of the show, he showed up tonight just to shit on that eye patched larper Crenshaw.

A polish man who hates communism? *swoon*

like most jews, highly suspect

1. runs up to Lord Rothchild getting out of his armored SUV to hurl abusive questions at him.

2. Walks into a party univited where Henry Kissinger and General Betrayus are dining and calls Henry a war criminal and videos all of it.

These are fundamentally impossible things to do for anyone that's not playing a foreordained role dictated by his masters.

I like Luke. He’s an OG.

damn he was the only thing i liked on that show is he actually a jew

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some Jews go against the system like Reevers from Firefly there is a small amount that are not subversive and liars I have a tangential friend that will beat your ass if you call him a jew he will only acknowledge that he is a Hebrew and hates Israel

>muh “lord” rothschild

You sound like a faggot too, bud.

Faglord rothschild tongues my shitting anus, and says, ‘thank you master’ as he swallows my shit.

jews are universally shit. Tell your jew friend, arsewipe.

So he's a violent Jew? Isn't that just a nigger?

He's unbelievably based and has stared directly into the face of pure evil, and has lived to tell about it.
Man's got bigger balls than anyone on this site.

Big nose yes, but is he a jew? Check his early life if Wikipedia?

There's lots of Rothschilds around and I don't know the fuckers name you fag so I called him Lord Rothschild and being a British lord that's his legit title fag.

You didn't watch his speech tonight about how his (((Polish))) relatives were trained off to the Nazi evil concentration camps?

>He's unbelievably based and has stared directly into the face of pure evil, and has lived to tell about it.
>Man's got bigger balls than anyone on this site.
If you took a shower once in a while you wouldn't stink so much, Luke.

Luke from wearechange? Hahahaha. This guy was Alex Jones little lapdog for yyeeeaaarrrs. I remember back in 2008 this fag was screaming 911 was an inside job all day

Didn't ask loser.

He is ignorant of the ways or Ouranos.

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suprised dim fool let's anyone with more than half a brain near him. Tim is obvious fragile and keeps retards around himself to make himself seem smarter than he is. It's also very laughable at how often time tries to seem badass talking about his hacker friends, or some other gay bullshit.

sage, i dont' give a fuck

9/11 was an inside job, you absolute mental midget.


>this fag was screaming 911 was an inside job all day
You're a fag if you believe the story the media out out

I like him

Bring Nick Fuentes, sam hyde, or dick Masterson on if you have balls luke.